Monday, March 28, 2022

Aliens, UFOs, aliens, grays - cases of human contact with alien civilizations

 What aliens really can be? Do we have evidence of an alien civilization appearing on our planet? Have we ever made contact with them? Let's trace the most reliable information about aliens.

Issues related to extraterrestrial life, the existence of aliens, or UFOs are mainly associated with conspiracy theories, speculations, and secret knowledge. But what is the relationship of actual science to the presence of intelligent civilizations from other planets? Evidence of observing unidentified objects and figures around the world supports the existence of extraterrestrial life, but there is no evidence without which scientific confirmation does not exist.

Another argument is the unprincipled and logical assumption that the cosmos is so large that it seems impossible for us to be the only intelligent civilization. Here, however, again, there is no evidence of any kind. Scientific research on the existence of alien life forms is carried out constantly in the world - there is no shortage of material to be verified. So far, however, no evidence has been scientifically confirmed. Either key information is missing, or we still have too little knowledge and insufficiently developed equipment for all kinds of measurements.

The idea of ​​the so-called ancient aliens is not officially accepted by the scientific community. It has never become the subject of serious research, but only aroused interest in the circles of conspiracy theorists. Paleoastronautics is a pseudoscientific theory that extraterrestrials have already visited our planet, but it happened in ancient and prehistoric times.

The evidence for the existence of ancient aliens is to be buildings, artifacts, art, or religious practices located all over the world, which have not yet been fully explored, so their origin or motivation are still unknown to mankind. The main tenet of palaeoastronautics is the theory that constant contact with aliens over the centuries has had a huge impact on the formation of terrestrial civilizations, cultures, and the world we all know. The author of the theory of the existence of ancient aliens - Erich von Däniken - claims that aliens have been visiting the Earth for millions of years, influencing the fate of people.

Let us return, however, to more recent times. Probably everyone has heard of the Roswell Incident. From tabloid reports to purely scientific articles, ending with the popular TV series - it's been impossible to escape Roswell for over 50 years. The event took place on July 2, 1947, near Roswell, New Mexico. Initially, the local press announced that there was a UFO crash, but the US Air Force quickly denied the information. The story of Roswell "to grace" returned only at the turn of the 70s and 80s, thanks to ufologists. Despite the fact that the army had already denied all ufological suspicions in the 1990s, the incident still remains at the center of a multitude of conspiracy theories.

The most famous of these is the alleged detention and study of extraterrestrial life forms recovered from the Roswell ship in Area 51, an American military base used to test new technical solutions. Area 51 was built in 1955 and, like Roswell, most people associate them with theories about extraterrestrial life. Until 2001, the US government maintained that Area 51 did not exist, which further heightened all suspicions about its activities.

The Italian physicist and Nobel laureate, Enrico Fermi, asked 1950 the question - "Where are they?" Thus, the scientist expressed the paradox, later named after him. The complexity is based on the fact that the probability of the existence of extraterrestrial neighbors is highly estimated, but so far no one has managed to prove that we are not alone in the universe. For 70 years scientists have been trying to figure out what exactly could have influenced the fact that we still do not have evidence of the existence of alien civilizations, and on the other hand, the claim that we are the only form of life in space seems to contradict logic.

All the assumptions made so far, however, can be summed up by the statement that science is simply still too little developed and people still do not have the knowledge that could help in making contact with neighbors from other planets. Potential companions may also not have made it to us yet, or they may not have the tools to do so.

As suggested by physicist Jonathan Carroll-Nellenback, aliens may also have visited Earth 10 million years ago. At that time, it was inhabited by great apes, so visitors from other worlds could think that the inhabitants of this particular planet should be observed from a distance or not be concerned at all. Perhaps we still do not have the resources to help us spot traces of the recent visit of our neighbors from other planets.

Official governmental research on UFOs in the US began in the late 1940s with Project Sign, which provided some of the most credible videos of unidentified aerial phenomena. Within a few years, Project Sign eventually evolved into Project Blue Book, which was actively involved in UFO sightings throughout much of the Cold War. Among the studies disclosed in 2017, there are the following cases that currently function as the loudest among those that would confirm the existence of extraterrestrial life.

On July 14, 2001, drivers on the New Jersey Turnpike marveled at the strange orange-yellow lights above the Arthur Kill Waterway for about 15 minutes after midnight. Carteret Police Lieutenant Daniel Tarrant was one of the witnesses, as were the rest of the area. Air traffic controllers initially denied that any aircraft, military jets, or spaceflight could have caused the mysterious lights, but a group known as NY-SPI claimed to have received FAA radar data that confirmed UFO sightings from that night.

On November 14, 2004, part of the USS Nimitz strike team spotted an unknown ship on a radar 100 miles off the coast of San Diego. For two weeks, the crew followed the objects that appeared at a height of 80 thousand. feet then dropped to hover just above the Pacific Ocean. When two aircraft carrier fighters arrived in the area, they saw what appeared to be choppy water, with an oval-shaped shadow beneath the surface. After a few moments, a white object appeared above the water. It had no visible markings to indicate the engine, wings, or windows, and the infrared monitors showed no exhaust fumes. It moved three times faster than sound and more than twice as fast as fighters.

In 2006, Flight 446 was preparing to depart for North Carolina from Chicago O'Hare International Airport when a United Airlines employee on the runway noticed a dark gray metal ship hovering above gate C17. On that day, 12 United employees - and several witnesses outside the airport - spotted the saucer-shaped ship. They claim that it hovered for about five minutes before firing upward where it pierced a hole in the clouds - so hard that pilots and mechanics could see the blue sky.

When news leaked about the aviation threat identification program in 2017, a video appeared that revealed an encounter of the F / A-18 Super Hornet with an unidentified aerial phenomenon. Seen along the east coast, the ship was similar to that seen in San Diego in 2004: a fast-moving white oval about 45 feet long with no wings or exhaust plume. The pilots tracked the object at an altitude of 25,000. feet over the Atlantic Ocean as it flew away and rotated on its own axis at the same time. So far, no explanation has emerged.

Kosmic is a topic that is often used in literature, cinematography, and computer games. Some representations of aliens in fictional works have entered our imaginations so strongly that we recall them immediately when we hear about any signals concerning extraterrestrial life. The friendliest of them is surely E.T. - the beloved hero of Spielberg's 1982 film.

However, aliens much more often appear in a negative context - from the point of view of the plot's effectiveness and attractiveness, it is a much more interesting perspective for viewers and readers. The unknown usually causes discomfort and even fear, and this is the perfect basis for a bestseller. Therefore, the series of films Alien and Predator have enjoyed incredible popularity and still have a huge group of fans. These films even saw crossovers, where fans of both universes could watch the fight of the eighth passenger of the Nostromo with the creature that Schwarzenegger himself was not afraid of.

The novels dealing with the subject of aliens and aliens include, first of all, Lem's books (Solaris and Diaries of the Stars), but also the popular War of the Worlds (which has been screened) and The Last First People. Other popular media on this subject include the Mass Effect series of computer games, the Star Trek series, and Valerian comics. When listing cultural representations of aliens and aliens, it is impossible to ignore the great universe of Star Wars, the popularity of which has spread to all possible media: from computer games to comics and cartoons.

It turns out that in Poland, too, people have noticed suspicious signals that were interpreted as experiences of communing with extraterrestrials. One such incident even happened in the same year as the Roswell incident - thanks to this, Poland has one of the world's oldest photographs of UFOs. In the town of Czaplinek in the Drawskie Lake District, we managed to take a photo of a strange object moving in the sky. Moreover, in the same area, there were also reports of similar flying saucers in later years.

The unidentified Flying Object also visited the town of Muszyna in December 1958 (it was also possible to photograph a flying saucer here) and a year later in the Port of Gdynia. In both cases, the witnesses described flying objects in red or orange color. The object from the Gdynia port even fell into the water and was intercepted, but after handing it over to the UB, hearing about the strange structure was lost.

The most famous and best documented (also scientifically) incident of contact with aliens is the one in Emilicin in 1978. In this case, the object was initially not observed, but two unusual characters communicating with each other in an unknown language. The coachman who met them in the forest then saw the vehicle hovering above the clearing. A device resembling an elevator was lowered from an object above the ground. Unknown creatures "invited" the coachman to come inside, and he agreed to the proposal. Jan Wolski described in detail the interior of the ship he entered.

Wolski was to be examined by two more grays and offered a meal that he did not decide to eat. He then returned home and told his family about the incident. The ship could not be traced anymore, while Wolski and his neighbors could see traces that could indicate that something was in the place described by Wolski. So far, the authenticity of the incident has not been disputed.

In each of these types of stories, witnesses claim that they encountered something unusual that did not seem to come from this world. Despite the fact that it is not possible to challenge the authenticity of many of these testimonies, reliable, scientifically proven evidence is still lacking. However, there is no certainty as to whether we are really alone in space.

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