Saturday, January 15, 2022

Missed gifts - what to do with them?

 We have plenty of opportunities to give each other gifts. And these are holidays, birthdays, name days, communions, weddings, baptisms, and some other celebrations ... Sometimes we really lack ideas for new gifts. Lack of creativity in this respect risks giving someone a gift that - to put it mildly - they will not be happy. Committing a gift faux-pas can happen to anyone. To avoid this, it is best to make a discreet diagnosis of the birthday person's dreams and personal wishes before making any purchasing decisions. However, what to do if we have received a missed gift. How to behave in such a situation?

When giving gifts, it is not the object itself that counts, but the memory and attention given to the recipient. It seems that the truth is as old as the world, yet many of us find it difficult to control our sadness and depression when the received gift does not meet our expectations. On the other hand, most people assume that it would be rude to draw the donor's attention to the inappropriateness of the gift given by the donor. So they grit their teeth and smile artificially, pretending to be happy with the gift that has been put into their hands. There is no real universal recipe for how to behave in such a situation. In general, it can be said that the tactic of a good face against a bad game usually works when we do not have closer ties with the donor. However, if it is a husband, sister, or a dear friend, it is worth gently suggesting your expectations to him. Pretending to a relative or close friend that everything is fine is frustrating and is not beneficial in the long run. Therefore, it should rather be avoided.

Whenever it is possible, it is worth trying to replace the wrong gift. This mainly applies to clothing, such as a blouse in an unsuitable cut or color, or too-small shoes. The same book that we have already read, we can either return it to the bookstore and take another one for the same price or possibly return it to the library. However, such unpleasant situations can be avoided by making an appointment with the donor for purchases in advance.

The choice of gifts should not be left to chance. It is also good to make an appointment in advance for the maximum amount for the purchase of the gift. In this way, we will miss another unpleasant situation, when the gift given to us by a given person is of much higher value than the gift we gave him. As a last resort, the whole thing can be turned into a joke. After all, no one's life depends on what gift goes into our hands. So what if you received exactly the same gift for the next year in a row from your beloved grandma or aunt? Laugh heartily at this fact, and do not create problems where there are none.

It seems unreal, and yet it is so. There is a certain group of gifts that will surely be liked by all recipients. You probably won't believe it, but they belong to ... socks. But not the usual socks or cotton or nylon knee socks. Funny Many Mornings socks attract the attention of users and the environment with their original look. Although looking at them you get the impression that they are not matched with a pair, in fact, nothing like that is the case. On the contrary, their originality is determined by the fact that they share not the same colors, but the same motif on them.

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