Sunday, December 12, 2021

Some interesting facts (?) for December Part 2

 People come from another planet and were brought to Earth. This is more or less the thesis of the publication that appeared on the publishing market nearly 8 years ago. Some took it as a joke, and others as a reason for reflection. Every now and then new evidence emerges that life in the universe is nothing unusual and most likely originated somewhere else. According to some concepts, it was imported in the form of amino acids that traveled with comets. Others point to Mars as the place of origin of life. There are also theories according to which the human race was implemented on Earth by aliens. A group of scientists studying the human genome discovered a decade ago that as much as 97% of human DNA sequences contain a genetic code that does not code information. There have been theories that this is an overwritten code leftover from some cosmic programmer who once coded the Homo Sapiens genre. The book, written by ecologist Dr. Ellis Silver, expresses the view that many of our maladjustments as a species imply that we are not from this planet. According to this publication, this is evidenced by our physiology, which is hardly proof of our long stay on this planet, as there are not many adjustments. For example, reptiles can lie in the sun all day, while we, if exposed to it all the time, would inevitably perish. This is quite strange for a species that is said to be native to Earth. The book shows that our extraterrestrial origin is also indicated by some chronic ailments, for example, back pain. According to the author, the epidemic of spine diseases is the result of our maladjustment to the Earth's gravity. It is also suspicious that human babies have such large heads during childbirth that it causes problems for women who give birth to them. This may be the result of traces of unsuccessful interventions at the level of genetic engineering. As evidence that someone tampered with our DNA, Dr. Silver also believes so-called "redundant" 223 genes are found in humans, and only in humans. It is unheard of in the natural world. The mystery here is added by the fact that Homo Sapiens suddenly appears tens of thousands of years ago and there are no intermediate forms that would leave a visible mark in the fossils. The origin of man remains a mystery, even if evolutionists say otherwise. The hypothesis to which Dr. Silver agrees is that from 60,000 to 200,000 years ago, an alien race genetically manipulated the Earth-dwelling great apes of the species Homo Erectus. It is not known what treatments were performed, but this led to the emergence of the most advanced of all species. This extraordinary advantage over the rest of nature as a smoking rebuke indicates the extraterrestrial origin of humanity.

According to a rather interesting theory, people with Rh minus blood type may be related to extraterrestrials. This amazing objection is obviously not endorsed by the scientific community, but it is interesting enough to briefly look at the existing evidence for its correctness. Humans have four general blood types: A, B, AB, and O. This classification is derived from the types of proteins that are found on the surface of cells designed to fight bacteria and viruses in the human body. The vast majority of people on this planet have these proteins, which means their Rh-positive is positive. However, a smaller group of people with Rh minus blood type do not have them for some reason, and no one is sure why. The creator or creators of the aforementioned theory, therefore, claim that in the distant past, extraterrestrials visited Earth and through "genetic manipulation" created the Rh minus group with the intention of creating a race of "slaves". This would explain the mystery of the so-called serological conflict. Phenomena due to which mothers with Rh-negative blood group do not tolerate fetuses with Rh plus blood group. This would mean that such a state of affairs may not be due to a mere immune response, but rather is a remnant of an ancient genetic modification on mankind. Incredible as it sounds, this whole theory makes sense when you consider a few facts. It is known that Rh minus blood appeared about 40,000 years ago. Its owners are much more resistant to all kinds of viruses and bacteria. Moreover, the Rh minus strain is characteristic of, for example, the British royal family and many other monarchies around the world. If we assume that it is a coincidence or a result of the fact that the above-mentioned families entered into marriages only with representatives of other monarchies, the answer seems simple. But what if the answer is different? The famous conspiracy theorist David Icke has for many years publicly presented a concept that to this day is considered by most to be an utter absurdity. He openly and seems to be quite seriously expressing the view that the world is ruled by certain families who have held power since antiquity. He himself called these people reptilians, that is, people with reptilian qualities who hide them from the unaware masses. Icke stated that there was ample evidence to support his observations, and even gave examples of specific public figures whom he suspected of possessing reptilian blood. Among the families considered to be related to the reptilians, he mentioned the Bush, including US presidents and the British royal family. However, he claims that the scale is much larger and that people do not realize how our world really is. While the whole concept of the reptilian race sounds like a product of a person with severe mental health problems, it is puzzling how many supporters this extreme conspiracy theory has. In some popularity rankings, the reptilian human theory tends to rank in the top ten. David Icke argues that it is these ancient families related to reptiles that exercise real power over the world, and it is said that it has been going on since Sumerian times.

Human blood groups, apart from qualifying to one of the groups A, B, AB, and 0, are also divided according to the second factor - the presence of a specific type of antibodies on the surface of red blood cells (erythrocytes), divided into two groups: Rh + and Rh-. The most popular antigen in the Rh system is the so-called D. antigen. People who have it on the surface of erythrocytes are referred to as Rhesus positive (Rh +), but for approx. 20% of our population, erythrocytes do not react with anti-D serum. These people are known as Rhesus negative (Rh-). The determination of the Rh factor is important in terms of prenatal tests - when one of the parents has a positive result and the other is negative the so-called serological conflict. When the mother has Rh (-) blood and the father is Rh (+), if the baby inherits the D antigen from the father, the mother's body will perceive the baby as foreign and attack it with antibodies. Fortunately, modern medicine has solutions to these kinds of problems. Rh-negative blood has a completely different immune composition than Rh (+) blood. Research and scientific experiments are being carried out to find new vaccines to which Rh (-) can be resistant. One of the most interesting aspects of the existence of the Rhesus factor is understanding where does this distinction comes from among humans? Our blood is one of those elements that has been the least susceptible to mutation and change over the centuries. So the question is, where did the negative Rh test come from? For many years scientists have been trying to find a solution to this puzzle. Some evidence suggests that it may have appeared some 35,000 years ago and that it was related to one group of people or tribe. Interestingly, the Rh (-) group is particularly widespread among the inhabitants of the European continent - a large concentration occurs especially in the areas of northern Spain and southern France, i.e. in the Basque Country. This result is often found among the descendants of East European Jews. A total of 40-45% of Europeans are Rh-negative, while for the African population it is only 3%, and for Asians and indigenous peoples of the American continent only 1%. So it seems that it was among the population of Europe (or the Caucasus) that the mutation first appeared.

One of the most amazing interpretations of this difference is that it was introduced into the population by alien organisms. But it's not about bacteria ... it's about angels! In the Hebrew tradition, there are references to the Nephilim - angels, descendants of God, who inhabited the earth by mating with human women. They were characterized by different physical features: enormous height, higher IQ, more sensitive and heightened senses, lower body temperature, higher blood pressure, increased occurrence of intuitive abilities, mainly blue or green eyes, red or reddish hair, increased sensitivity to the effects of sunlight and heat and an additional circle. In Hebrew, the word Nephilim literally means "to fall," so it can refer to a fallen angel. The great books of the Middle Eastern cultural circle: the Bible, the Talmud, and the Koran all speak of the fallen angels who once ruled over the earth and inhabited it (especially in Europe), producing offspring with earthly women. The Nephilim appear in the Book of Genesis immediately before the description of the flood. After Adam and Eve were driven out of Paradise, humanity began to multiply. "Sons of God" took daughters of men for wives. Mentions about giants appear several times in the Old Testament, incl. in the Book of Wisdom of Sirach, and in the Book of Numbers, where there will be information that in Canaan lived "descendants of giants." Are fallen angels visitors from other planets? Many ancient texts, including the Bible, support the theory of extraterrestrials who "came down to earth." Many stories in ancient texts, especially pre-Christian texts, speak of a race that "came to earth from heaven." The Book of Enoch, an apocryphal Hebrew book that did not become an official part of the Bible, provides a particularly large amount of information on this subject. According to some scholars, Enoch can be identified with the figure of Abraham, bringing a new perspective to the biblical patriarch. However, angels are also mentioned frequently in the Bible. These creatures are described even in the New Testament as superior to man, spiritually essential, endowed with spiritual knowledge, able to work miracles.

Combining science, religion and mythology can give extremely interesting effects :) Meanwhile, the question of where the Rh (-) comes from is bothering scientists all the time.

The famous manna from heaven - called mana by some - was sent by God according to the Bible and given to the Israelites during their journey through the desert. The deliveries of this amazing food began at the very beginning of their forty-year journey, right after the Egyptian exodus. However, have you ever wondered what this extraordinary substance really was? Manna is described twice in both Exodus 16: 1-36 and again in Numbers 11: 1-9. According to the parable, to prevent the "chosen people" who had to live in a desert area from starving, God would send manna from heaven every day. In parables, manna is described as some kind of seed. The Bible book of Exodus states that Manna appeared almost every night and every morning after the dew disappeared. According to the records, it had to be collected on the same day, because at night unusual food rotted and vermin appeared inside it.

According to historical accounts, Manna came with the night dew and served as the main source of food for the Israelites. According to legend, this unusual food fell to the earth every day, except Saturday, due to the Jewish Sabbath holiday. On the sixth day, however, they were to collect a double portion, which would also be enough for the next day. Interestingly, only then did the manna survive without rotting. We learn a little more about this unusual food in the book of numbers. Manna is described there as bdellium-like grains - a translucent oleo-rubber resin extracted from trees growing in Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Sub-Saharan Africa. So the question is, what really was the biblical manna from heaven? Well, given the fact that the word manna comes from the Hebrew question man hu (what is it?) That the Israelites were asked to ask when they first saw the food, even they did not know the answer to this riddle. There are at least several theories on this subject. One of them assumes that the mysterious manna is actually some kind of mushroom that grew in the desert area of ​​the Sinai Peninsula. While it does not account for the rapid rotting of "manna," it explains very well the early hours when it should have been harvested for later consumption. The alternative theory, on the other hand, is that manna was the product of some technology. This conviction comes from a collection of commentaries and interpretations of the Torah, the holy book of the Jews. The so-called Zohar, or one of the central texts of the mystical philosophy of Kabbalah, contains very interesting descriptions that may suggest that the Old Testament God, or rather his representation in the Old Testament, resembles a machine rather than the omnipotent being we consider him to be. Consequently, this could mean that the manna actually came from heaven, but was the product of some chemical process. This would explain both the instability of this substance and the necessity in the interruptions of the operation of this alleged machine, justified to the Israelites by the Shabbat. Interestingly, this theme has already been considered in the past. In 1978, George Sassoon and Rodney Dale wrote a book that was based on the translation of part of the Zohar text. The authors suggested that the manna was produced by a machine that used algae as food for humans in biblical times. This alleged manna-making machine was even recreated by Sassoon to follow the directions given in the book of The Zohar. However, is this a sufficient explanation to cross out another of the Old Testament miracles? Definitely not! Nevertheless, it should undoubtedly open our eyes to potential drawbacks in the biblical parables we know. Today no one even wonders what the mythical manna from heaven could have been, and some people mistakenly associate it with semolina, which makes the whole thing extra unclear. The truth is that even if we take the texts of the Bible symbolically, some force capable of feeding the Israelites for 40 years sent them this extraordinary food, the nature of which we still do not know.

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