Sunday, November 7, 2021

What is mean to be human? What is a sense of life?

 Does life has any sense? What sense has our life? And what kind of meaning does asking us these questions have? What does it mean to be human? What does it mean to be "you?"

No sense

The best example of no sense of life and work is SisyphusSisyphus teaches us to never give in to circumstantial disappointments or try to escape from the failures, rather accept failures the same way we accept our achievements. And most importantly, no matter how much we lose in our quest, we must never back down till we fulfill our potential. He can live forever, and not die. But for example, I would prefer to die. Because he was doomed by God by making him roll a giant stone on top of the mountain, but he always been put down to the bottom before he will manage to get to the very top. And he has to do it for the eternity of his life. He is doomed to failure for eternity. Sisyphus knows his life will always be like this in its fullness. It is painful and difficult. There is no variety, no one benefits from it. What explains this hardship. What redeems this hardship. Nothing saves him. Even in death, nothing is achieved. We can easily understand that this is torture. One of the tortures at Auschwitz was that prisoners had to dig ditches and then bury the same ditches they had just dug. Distinguishing the unpleasantness of doing some work from the meaninglessness of work. Imagine that Sisyphus, instead of pushing a large stone, would carry a small light pebble and instead of going up a steep hill, a straight path would go. And instead of rolling downstairs, he is torn off or blown away by a magical gust of wind to where he started. The activity or work you do does not have to be tedious and difficult to make it pointless. Such nonsensical works are not just about mythical creatures or people in a concentration camp. They also apply to computer creatures. Tamagochi is a pet ownership simulator from the 90s. What you can do with such a pet is very limited. All they do is eat, drink and sleep. It is possible that at this point you know someone who lives a repeating life cycle with very little variety. For example: "I have a job, thanks to it I earn a little money, even a lot. Thanks to this I have a house. In which I can eat and sleep, so I get up in the morning and go to work" And so on... And that does not make sense. Same as a farmer who does a farm to make money to feed animals and grow crops to make more money to buy and feed more animals and grow more crops... That doesn't make sense. What is the point of all of it? Why? It's not enough!

Animals, such as wolves and bears, have a certain advantage over us because they cannot see it all and analyze that something is wrong. We humans sometimes have this moment of horror when we stop and think and see this whole cabaret or circus and analyze that the cycle we are in makes no sense. The things they did around don't make much sense. Then we embrace ourselves and start this whole cycle anew. And these thoughts and objective evaluations about us and what we do are not us, but someone else looks at us from outside and assesses what is happening around us objectively. Like nothing happens. And this is a good recipe for life without any sense. But this is a good start. The things on the bottom make less sense for us. What characteristics do they have? What makes that look to us that they don't make any sense? After studying them, he will tell us what makes sense and what doesn't.


An example in Sisyphus is, what if his job of rolling this giant stone has some sort of fulfillment, something that does something or brings him some joy and reason for doing so? He feels that. But is this all true? From the coaching point of view, anything can have sense and fulfillment whatever we wish to do so. It all depends on us. For example sense and fulfillment according to some people is what makes us happy and makes sense (= good reason in our mind) for us. But in this context do people who started WWII ask themself the same questions? Do they ask themself questions about their lives, their sense of their lives, etc? May an immoral act make some sense? Do anyone says that Holocaust had any sense? Fact that some people still think that what happened then was like a thing that was reasonable and had sense is that make any good sense at all? Fact that other races were worse made these people crazy and made them feel better about themselves. Because definitely, it was something they desired. If we subjectively feel happiness and fulfillment, does this life also make sense? The answer is NO. What makes us happy and fulfill our lives and what makes our live sense in life are completely 2 other things. They are subjectively meaningful and objectively meaningful if they meet some conditions of meaning. And they still can happen and meaningful and with sense even if the person doesn't know or notice them as meaningful or not. 


For a moment, let's think about the meaning of life, not the meaning of life.

For the same people, something may matter, but it doesn't have to make sense, and vice versa. We also take the example of two children who argue in a sandbox. Most likely it is of great importance to them and it is important. But looking objectively, it doesn't matter. And now, when you go away, their voices fade away. And there's a small chance they'll do something to themselves because they're kids. Most likely, their quarrel topic would have made us laugh immediately. But for them it is important. For example, who stole a lollipop from whom, who cheated in the game, etc. Children have a short memory, so tomorrow or next week they will certainly agree. So we immediately realize that this is not a good reason to argue. Why do they take that too seriously? Or take it even farther in the history of Europe or the world into 100 years or so and think if this even matter? In that way of thinking none of the arguments doesn't make any sense whatsoever. If you thought that about kids why didn't you think the same about us and our arguments, etc? Or every person in a world? Like Nelson Mandela spent 23 years in prison? It does make sense from a certain perspective. The work of the kid will have a meaning for parents and the work of citizens will have meaning for this small or bigger society. And this probably will go out outside an Earth to a size of a cosmos. Because it end of the day is a big place and a lot of things we do matter only here on this planet. All we can do is add one small brick to the larger project. It does not always have to be positive. It can be negative like global warming which will affect all humanity. What about this type of meaning.

Is it mean that there are lives that don't have meaning a sense of meaning or both? No. If someone thing that we would have to ask so many questions why do they think that. Because you don't give 90% of your earnings to charities, didn't give your kidney to someone who needs it, is a blood donor, and help women in Arabic countries or other groups in need doesn't mean you are a bad person or worthless. All you need to do is be a morally good person. And you do not need to have the best and most expensive products to say you enjoy your life the best. You don't need to destroy everything by destroying everything with clicking your fingers to be called a strong person. And you don't need to be the one who decides about the whole cosmos or a galactic that your life we could call meaningful. We only use a human way to judge the meaning of how much worth is our life and good. Do you think is sad our lives aren't as much important in the whole galactic. Probably. Our human lives compared to the whole galactic is an only little dot. Byt why would I want to think that those galactic measures are the most important. We have more luck than mouses for example. We are stronger than koalas. We can go and visit any place on Earth compared to the rest of the animals on Earth. And we are freer from a food chain than rest animals on Earth. Our lives are better than theirs. It all depends on how we look at the sense and meaning of life. What would you do to change the fact humans should be important in a whole galactic? If I can't do something why should I worry? 

If you want your partner to love it's you can try to be a person easy to love. Because the other person isn't a Barbie doll or Ken doll you can move around easily to please and be doing as you please. If it's something that can't be in my control why should I be losing my sleep and nerves on this? All you can do is your best. I can understand that If You are a person who just find out you have cancer and doctors and your family can't do anything about that. It is understandable you feel sad and angry. Because you got a promise of life etc but you lost it with knowledge of having cancer. 


Imagine a person. Person Z. And she has many friends. And he gets along well with work colleagues. It is in a fulfilled relationship. Perhaps she/he even has children with whom she/he maintains great contact. She/he is involved in charity. Perhaps he/she is a volunteer who tutoring children from an orphanage for free, or he/she can help with a choice. He/she creates videos for the internet that would help people on the topic they know best. He/she shares his/her knowledge on the subject he has acquired. Person X has an education in many fields. He/she reads a lot and knows a lot about human nature and the environment. She/he has made some innovative discoveries in this field. And she even wrote a book about it. He also knows a lot about himself/herself. This person has spent a lot of time in psychotherapy. Probably knows what other people think. He/she has highly developed empathy. He/she can look at the world from the perspective of other people. Also, imagine that person X has a house full of beautiful things. Attending the concerts, going into museums, and when retired doing a garden. And free time spent in creative ways. For example, writing a storybook. Would be the best life with a lot of meaning and sense? With a lot of satisfaction? Isn't that type of life with a job well done? Yes, it would. But not everyone needs to find sense is exactly the same work or a thing. There is a lot of things that can make life meaningful.  You can learn them from learning the story of Sisyphus. That meaningful and sense of life is the opposite of him.  Sisyphus doesn't help anyone. He isn't creative. He isn't nothing like person Z or person X. He doesn't learn anything. Happiness isn't the best way to notice how much meaning someone's life is. For me anyway. Love, good, beauty has a lot of meaning.

Holocaust didn't make any sense whatsoever. Doing a lot of Sudoku Crosswords also doesn't. It's good but doesn't need to have much meaning. Help with amount words you have and some intellect. And it can be enjoyable. But I don't see how this could benefit our human race any forward. Using your intellect just to kill a bit of time is just wasting a time. And doesn't make sense. 

Do we know what it takes to be human?

Human - the genus and species to which all modern humans belong and with which fossilized human remains from about 40 thousand years ago are identified. years. Contemporary man is distinguished from other animals and earlier representatives of the human species on the basis of physical characteristics and behavior, such as two-legged posture and gait, high forehead, small teeth, and lower jaw, the ability to use symbols (language and writing). Most of the encyclopedias give such a definition of a human being. Everyone knows it. But what does it really mean to be human? A real person must be sensitive to human suffering, misfortunes, and then he should try to help in any way. He should be tolerant, open, cheerful (if possible), helpful, honest, fair, and above all, he must be himself, always and everywhere. As each of you knows, a human being is a living being who thinks. So it follows that everyone is biologically human. And here the question arises: are you and I human only because of our body build? "Man to man to wolf" - these famous words clearly tell us that it is not so. They tell us about the handicap of man, about his faults and weaknesses. About the fact that sometimes he is even a wolf for other people, and not support or friend. What does it mean to be human? It means to be free, to be good, helpful, and just. It means to respect yourself and others.

Maybe I am demanding, but this is my ideal human being. Unfortunately, nowadays, in today's rat race, such a person has to be looked for with a candle in his hand. Sometimes a man, without realizing it, kills with an evil word like with a knife. We are so busy that we do not notice the other person. Man is a very strange creature, supposedly knows what it should be like, and it is not like that, worse, he does not want to be like that. In my opinion, being human means helping others. It is also necessary to allow other people's feelings into our hearts, and so let us give our feelings to others. Being human should be our pride, as we can do many things that other species cannot. I believe that this also means suffering of various kinds. You need to show compassion and heart to others. However, one should not mock the feelings, desires, and behavior of many other people around us, who should do everything to deserve the name of a human being.

I think being human is a difficult thing. I think because you are not always what you want to be. sometimes someone asks us for help, and we: either we won't help, because we don't want to, or we promise help, but then we don't keep our promise. We always find some excuses, eg I had a different job, I helped at home, I forgot, etc. Each of us would prefer to live in happiness and joy, but this is not always possible. Few people always manage to be cheerful and cheerful. Everyone has their own bad, unlucky or worse day, when they would rather not stick their nose out from under the covers, because you never know what might happen to us. We often pretend to feel sorry for and feel sorry for any people. They don't feel it, but we know it is not true. In this way, we deceive many people who need our helping hand. Always think about what we are doing and whether it is the right thing to do before we act in a given way. Each of us is human, but does each one try to be? This question has been bothering me a lot for the past few days and I cannot get to grips with the answer. Because what does it mean to be human? Is it enough to belong to this species? Probably not ...

If you find out someone made copies of your consciences to a robot or other AI-type things and they act and think they're humans and that they are you. Would you be thinking they are human or not?

Wake up. Your body has long been under control. You cannot sleep longer than agreed. To get in the shower you have to key in a code, which means that water money is deducted from your account. Your robot - a housekeeper - without a word brings you what was previously called breakfast. Every bite you eat throughout the day is carefully calculated so you don't run out of the ingredients you need. You sit down at the computer and connect to your workplace. You have not left the house for a long time, because you have no need for anything. The companionship is provided by specialized robots that are deceptively similar to humans. All the robots that serve you resemble human beings, but they cannot love you, they are completely emotionless. Emotions are something they find incomprehensible and unattainable. Could the world look like this soon?

Currently, artificial intelligence and natural intelligence cannot be equated. Is it possible in the future or will it always be just an s-f theme? I don't know.

For centuries, man has wanted to be better, overcome nature, create something that could have happened without his participation so far. Artificial insemination, artificial blood, artificial organs, the artificial retina of the eye, artificial brain, or artificial intelligence the appearance of these concepts (which may seem contradictory in themselves) suggests a desire for human control, the control that Nature, God the Creator, Fate have always had. or Coincidence. In times of rapid development of science, the possibility of creating something like artificial intelligence becomes more and more real.

And the human? Who is the human? Probably no one will be able to say that either. We have to try to be this human ... without even knowing what being human means ...

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