Saturday, September 25, 2021

How to scientifically explain paranormal phenomena and is it even possible?

Many people who have never personally encountered events in their lives that simply cannot be explained treat stories about the so-called "Supernatural phenomena" as fairy tales. Science also has a problem with them, although unofficially secret agencies research all psychic anomalies and phenomena. Is it possible to explain them and reconcile spirit with matter?

The late Krzysztof Boruń is the author of the book In the world of ghosts and media. In it, he tried to explain how phenomena such as psychokinesis and teleportation of objects can be scientifically perceived. What are his conclusions, based on interviews with Polish scientists, conducting research on Polish cases on the borderline of "From the X Archive" or "Stranger Things"?

Well, any attempts to explain such phenomena on the basis of classical Newtonian physics are, according to specialists, completely fruitless. So far, the most convincing is the hypothesis of prof. dr hab. Arkadiusz Góral, concerning the internal physical mechanism of gravitational interactions at the microworld level. It assumes that the gravitational charge is related to the fine structure of elementary particles.

If it is true that the gravitational charge accumulates in the outer envelope of a particle called "fine", it means that it is possible to influence this particle and change its gravitational field without significantly disturbing the energy of this particle.

As a result of a certain configuration of fields, even electromagnetic fields, gravitational fields can be disturbed to such an extent that it causes certain physical phenomena, such as, for example, much stronger than usual attraction, repulsion, or even repulsion instead of attraction.

According to prof. Highlander, this may be responsible for moving objects with the strength of the mind, and even for penetrating objects through walls. Will this hypothesis be confirmed? Surely someone is already working on it, and maybe even has long known the answer.

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