Friday, November 24, 2023

An unexplained UFO flew over a US military base in California

 In the world of investigating UFO phenomena, new evidence and sightings often shed light on old mysteries. One of the most fascinating and recently revealed cases is the recording of a giant, triangular UFO that hovered over a military base in California. This phenomenon, immortalized in a recording from May 2023, attracted the attention of both UFO enthusiasts and specialists, becoming the subject of heated discussions and speculations.

The video shows a huge triangular object floating in the air above a military base. Its size and shape, as well as the way it moves, differ from typical aircraft or known atmospheric phenomena. The object seems clearly defined, which further increases interest and raises questions about its origin.

Specialists and analysts began to examine this recording, looking for clues that could explain the nature and origin of the observed object. The hypotheses considered include both those suggesting the object's terrestrial origin and those assuming its extraterrestrial source. Some suggest it may have been an advanced military device tested in secret. Others speculate about the possibility of extraterrestrial origin, given the object's unusual features.

The fact that a UFO was sighted over a military base further complicates the situation. On the one hand, it may suggest that the object is part of secret military experiments or tests of new technologies. On the other hand, the presence of a UFO over such an object may raise concerns about national security and airspace sovereignty.

This discovery sparked numerous discussions among the UFO research community. Regardless of the final conclusions, this case is becoming an important element in the increasingly broader and more complex picture of UFO phenomena. For some, this is further evidence of the existence of advanced technologies whose origins we cannot understand. For others - a reminder to approach unidentified objects in the airspace with caution.

Footage of a triangular UFO over a military base in California is a fascinating contribution to UFO research. It opens up new questions and possibilities, while underscoring the need for continued scientific and objective research into these mysterious observations. Whether this will ultimately prove to be evidence of extraterrestrial technology or just another mysterious but terrestrial phenomenon remains one of the great questions of modern ufology.

Philosopher's Stone - in search of eternal youth and wealth

 The Philosopher's Stone, surrounded by an aura of mystery, remains one of the most fascinating objects in the history of alchemy and occultism. Also known as the great magisterium, the universal stone, or the elixir of life, it arouses the interest of both historians and lovers of mysterious sciences. His story is a journey through the centuries, from ancient Egypt to European alchemist laboratories.

The origins of the legend of the Philosopher's Stone go far back. The Hermetic art, also called alchemy, took its roots from Hermes Trismegistus, an ancient Egyptian magician famous for his ability to transform metals into gold. His knowledge was stored in the Temple of Life, Death and Healing of the Academy of Alexandria, which formed the basis for further research on the mysterious stone.

With the spread of Islam, the center of alchemical research moved to the Arab world. Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayan, known as Geber, was one of the key figures in developing alchemical theories. His work on the transformation of metals and his theories on the universal solvent had a huge impact on the further development of alchemy.

In the 12th century, alchemy spread throughout Europe, even though it was sometimes banned. European rulers, despite official prohibitions, often secretly supported alchemists in the hope of gaining wealth. Monasteries and royal courts became centers of alchemical experiments.

Among European alchemists, prominent figures include Albertus Magnus and Roger Bacon. By creating "The Mirror of Alchemy," Bacon showed a deep commitment to finding a way to transform metals into more noble forms.

Despite constant attempts, alchemists have never managed to create the Philosopher's Stone or the elixir of life. However, their work led to discoveries that were important for the development of chemistry. For example, in 1270, Bonaventure obtained a chemical compound known as "aqua regia" that was capable of dissolving gold.

Today's researchers and scientists often treat the idea of the Philosopher's Stone as a metaphor. Professor John Morris from the University of Cambridge emphasizes that this idea could symbolize the spiritual transformation that alchemists sought.

The Philosopher's Stone remains a symbol of search, the pursuit of knowledge and mystery. Its history, full of would-be discoveries, mystical theories and scientific explorations, fascinates researchers to this day, being at the same time a reminder of the ancient limits of human cognition and the endless possibilities of science.

The extraordinary secrets of the human brain

 The brain is undoubtedly one of the most fascinating and complex organs in the human body. It governs every aspect of our lives, from basic biological functions to the most complex thought processes. Despite enormous progress in the field of neurology and related sciences, it remains a source of numerous puzzles.

Consisting of two main hemispheres - right and left - the human brain performs different, specific functions depending on the specific area. It is this bipolar nature that allows us to combine analytical thinking and speech, controlled by the left hemisphere, with visual perception and creativity, which are the domain of the right hemisphere.

However, it is not only the division into hemispheres that makes our brain unique. Its ability to adapt and regenerate is astonishing. If certain areas are damaged, other parts of the brain are able to take over their functions, demonstrating its extraordinary flexibility.

It is also worth paying attention to an interesting fact related to the control of the body by the brain. What we call "crossover" means that the left hemisphere controls the right side of the body and the right hemisphere controls the left side. As a result of this interaction, the dominance of one of the hands is determined, which leads to the birth of left- or right-handed people.

For centuries, left-handedness has been a source of numerous prejudices. In the past, left-handed people were often stigmatized and in some cultures even persecuted. Today, however, we know that left-handedness, as well as the ability to use both hands with equal proficiency, may indicate special creative abilities. Many famous and outstanding people in history were left-handed, which may indicate unique brain abilities.

Another aspect that provokes reflection is the phenomenon of split personality. While this is still a topic of debate and research, it demonstrates the brain's unimaginable ability to create parallel versions of one person.

The human brain is a true masterpiece of evolution. Its complex structure, adaptability and unusual functions make it the subject of constant scientific interest. Each new secret discovered takes us deeper into the fascinating world of neurons and synapses, encouraging further research into this extraordinary organ.

Astrophysicist warns against aliens! If they exist, we need to know about them

 Astrophysicist Jane Breeves of Cardiff University warned that two distant exoplanets, named HD 76932 and HD 201891, could harbor more advanced life forms than those on Earth. These worlds are 70 and 110 light-years away from us, respectively, and are 8 billion years older than our planet.

In her latest study published by the American Astronomical Society, the professor emphasized that any life that could develop on these exoplanets would pose a huge danger to humanity. Professor Breeves believes it is "worth investigating as soon as possible whether other rocky worlds actually exist" and, if so, whether there is a possibility that life on them "could have originated before that on Earth."

The researcher warns that if more advanced life exists somewhere, this fact alone puts us at a very disadvantageous situation. Professor Breeves urges us not to ignore the possibility of more advanced civilizations and to start exploring celestial bodies to find out which worlds are actually habitable.

The assumption that exoplanets may harbor more advanced forms of life is based on various observations and scientific conclusions. The older age of these planets and their planetary systems may mean that life has had much more time to evolve into more complex forms. Scientists are aware of this, which is why, after discovering a new exolanet, they usually analyze the atmosphere using space telescopes to look for traces of substances indicating the potential presence of life.

The idea of extraterrestrial life, both on planets and other celestial bodies, is extremely appealing and fascinating. However, it is worth noting that these are only theories and hypotheses, and unconfirmed facts. Exoplanet research is still ongoing, and the search for life beyond Earth remains one of the most intriguing aspects of the field of astrophysics and cosmology

A strange sound phenomenon in the USA after the passage of an unidentified object

 Minnesotans witnessed a surprising event that took place on November 13. Many people reported seeing a bright object flying across the sky, followed by a loud explosion, shaking their homes. This event caused considerable confusion and debate about its cause.

According to the Beltrami County Emergency Management, the sonic boom was too close to be considered a meteor. This statement fuels speculation, suggesting that the cause of the event may be different than typical astronomical phenomena.

Professor Juan Cabanela, a local physicist, shares this view. His analysis of the moment of the sonic explosion also proves that it was not a meteorite explosion. Professor Cabanela expressed his astonishment and uncertainty about the nature of the object, stating: "I still don't know what it was, but I was pretty sure it couldn't have been a meteorite."

Film evidence also emerged. One video, from CCTV, clearly shows a flash followed three seconds later by a bang. This material may be crucial in further research into the phenomenon.

The second video, shared by a NASA astronomer, shows a UFO flying near an airport. This video sparked even more interest and speculation about the possible causes of the incident.

NASA expressed concerns that the cause of the event had not been determined. The lack of clear answers leads to various theories, from astronomical phenomena to the possibility of the presence of alien civilizations.

This event remains a mystery to Minnesotans and to scientists and experts trying to solve the mystery. As the investigation continues, the scientific and local communities wait for more information that may shed light on this unusual incident.

UFO caused airport closure in India

 India's northeastern state of Manipur has been put on alert after an unidentified flying object was spotted near the runway of Imphal airport on Sunday (November 19). A spherical white object of unknown origin forced the closure of Manipur International Airport in India for nearly four hours on Sunday. The UFO hung in the sky near Imphal airport until 4 p.m.

The unexplained aircraft was first spotted by an IndiGo Airlines pilot who was scheduled to take off from the airport at 2.20 p.m. The situation was so serious that the Indian Air Force was involved. Two fighter jets were sent to the site, but they were unable to detect the UFO. Two flights were diverted and three departing flights were delayed before flight operations could resume, according to a statement from airport director Chipemmi Keishing. It was suggested that the object was most likely a drone.

Could a civilian machine cause so much anxiety?

Why are some people more susceptible to hypnosis than others?

 Hypnosis has long fascinated both scientists and the public with its ability to enchant and influence the human mind. The history of hypnosis dates back to ancient times, but only recent scientific research has begun to uncover its secrets. A team of researchers took up the challenge of shedding light on this phenomenon by analyzing the brain activity of people undergoing hypnosis.

The study involved 75 people whose susceptibility to hypnosis was assessed using questionnaires. This group was divided into people with a high and low probability of being hypnotized. Then, using electroencephalography (EEG), the participants' neural activity was recorded before and after hypnotic suggestion.

It has been found that there are significant differences in brain activity between people who are more and less susceptible to hypnosis. The aperiodic exponential increase in neuronal activity prior to hypnosis induction has been found to be a strong predictor of hypnosis susceptibility. This finding suggests that differences in response to hypnosis may be related to innate properties of the brain.

Dr. Sarah Johnson, a neurobiologist at Stanford University, emphasizes that the study provides valuable information about the neural basis of hypnosis. This discovery could have wide applications, including in psychological and medical therapies where hypnosis is used as an adjunct tool.

Despite this progress, science still has a lot to discover in the field of hypnosis. The mechanisms by which hypnosis exerts its effects and why some people are more susceptible to it than others remain unexplained.

This study represents a step forward in understanding the complex phenomenon of hypnosis and opens new possibilities in the field of research on the human brain and consciousness.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Scientists have solved the mystery of the black water of the Ruka River

 Scientists from ETH Zurich have discovered fascinating phenomena in the context of carbon dioxide dynamics in the Congo Basin, focusing their research on the Ruki River, one of the darkest blackwater rivers in the world. This river, with its exceptional darkness caused by high concentrations of dissolved organic material, provides unusual conditions for study.

Travis Drake from ETH Zurich noted that the water in the Ruki is so dark that visibility is almost zero, which makes it stand out from other tropical rivers. The darkness of the water comes from rainwater leaching organic compounds from decaying plant material, giving it its characteristic color.

The Ruki River, which stretches one kilometer wide and flows into the Congo, is surrounded by primary lowland tropical forest and extensive peatlands, which are important carbon sinks. These peatlands contain significant amounts of undecomposed dead plant material, making them crucial to the ecosystem's carbon balance.

Data on water levels in the Ruki River have been available since the 1930s, but the river's chemical composition, including dissolved organic carbon (DOC) content and its sources, remains undetermined. In 2019, Travis Drake's team installed a measuring station near the town of Mbandaka, meticulously recording water flow and water levels, which will provide valuable information on carbon dioxide dynamics in the Ruki river system.

Dr. Johan Six, head of the Sustainable Agroecosystems Group at ETH Zurich, emphasizes that understanding carbon emissions in black rivers such as the Ruki is key to accurately estimating carbon budgets and predicting future climate scenarios. Further research is essential to understand this complex ecosystem and its role in the global carbon balance.

Studying the Ruka River sheds light on its unique features and ecological importance, offering scientists new opportunities to understand the dynamics of carbon dioxide emissions and contributing to the study of global climate systems.

Hydrology drives export and composition of carbon in a pristine tropical river

Daskalio Island - the mystery of the ancient pyramid in the Aegean Sea

 One of the most mysterious archaeological sites in the world is located off the coast of the island of Keros in the Aegean Sea. Dascalio Island, which was once part of Keros before sea levels rose, turned out to be not just a hill, but a giant pyramid more than 4,600 years old. It is a pyramid created in the same period as the first pyramids in Egypt.

Archaeologists began excavating Dascalio Island in 2015 and have since discovered many amazing artifacts, including extraordinary sculptures. The pyramid hidden under a layer of earth was built of white marble imported from the island of Naxos. The amount of marble delivered reaches 10,000 tons, which is absolute proof of the enormity and complexity of this engineering task.

The pyramid on Daskalio Island is considered a religious site that attracted pilgrims. Small sculptures were found on the island that could have served as offerings. In addition, many knives and tools were discovered, indicating that the island was an active center of activity.

Michael Boyd of the MacDonald Institute for Archaeological Research at the University of Cambridge, co-leader of the study, said: "Our research changes our understanding of Early Bronze Age Cycladic culture and suggests that these very early Greeks were highly organized, technically and politically more advanced than previously thought "

Excavations on the island of Daskalio are being carried out by an international team of archaeologists with the support of the Greek government and the British School of Athens. The project is financed by several international institutions. This discovery remains one of the greatest archaeological mysteries, and the mystery of the pyramid continues to fascinate both scientists and lovers of the mysterious past.

Keros Project (click here)

UFOs have taken over the war skies | Extraordinary stories from the 20th century

 Strange things in the sky have long been said to revolve around places of war, dating back to ancient times, but it is not just the realm of superstition and ignorance from the past misunderstanding common celestial phenomena, and here we take a look at some of the stranger cases of these things accumulating in war until modern times.

Starting with World War I, the spectacular moment when the Red Baron supposedly shot down a flying saucer comes to mind. The "Red Baron" is the alias of the German ace of the sky, pilot Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen. Manfred had at least 80 dogfight victories to his credit during his war career.

In the book UFOs of the First World War, by Nigel Watson, there was an entry according to which, while flying over the Belgian trenches in the spring of 1917 with fellow pilot Peter Waitzrick, Baron noticed an unidentified object that was described as "an upside-down silver saucer with orange lights." The Red Baron opened fire on him, and Waitzrick, who reportedly saw the entire incident, described what happened next as follows:

We were terrified because we had never seen anything like this before. The Baron immediately opened fire and the machine fell like a rock, cutting down tree branches as it plunged into the forest.

As they flew over the wreckage, they saw two humanoid figures escape from the ship and run towards the trees. Waitzrick kept this entire bizarre story to himself until 80 years later, in 1999, when he told the world about it. The story seems interesting, but is it really true? It is difficult to imagine that the same vehicles that today escape the most modern combat fighters would be shot down by the first war triplane.

Other UFOs encountered during World War I were the so-called "Burning Onions", which were usually described as glowing green orbs that circled around planes, performed somersaults, other aerial maneuvers, and very often chased planes, easily overtaking them. None of these vehicles ever attacked either side of the war. One theory as to what the Flaming Onions were is that they may have been flares fired by the Germans, but flares do not usually chase planes and experienced pilots can usually spot them in the sky.

By moving the clock forward several dozen years, we reach World War II. One of the most interesting incidents of this period occurred on the evening of November 27, 1944. Lt. Fred Ringwald of the United States Air Force was traveling as an observer during a night operation over the Rhine Valley, north of Strasbourg on the French-German border, when he saw something in the sky that shouldn't be there. Over the hill in the distance were eight to ten lights in a row, glowing a fiery orange.

When the officer pointed them out to his brothers-in-arms, the pilot and the rest of the crew saw them too. They quickly checked Allied ground radars, but they recorded nothing. When they decided whether or not to fight, the lights simply disappeared. No known aircraft of this period could become completely invisible to radar. Ringwald and his crew were part of the 415th Special Operations Squadron established in 1943. was tasked with carrying out missions in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations and then in northwestern Europe during World War II.

Although Ringwald's crew remained silent about what they saw during this mission, it turns out that other flights from their unit spotted something similar in the sky, particularly over the German-occupied Rhine Valley. Pilots have reported stories of strange lights, usually red, orange or green, following them or even flying parallel to their planes. They were reported to be typically cigar-shaped, had no wings or visible propulsion system, were highly maneuverable and fast, and often flew in formations of up to 10 and never appeared on radar.

​Sightings began to flow in from across the European theater of war, and it looked more like the War of the Worlds than World War II. Soon these mysterious glowing ships were called "Foo Fighters". Given the credibility and experience of these witnesses, as well as the sheer number and consistency of the reports, the military began an investigation into the phenomenon.

Initially it was suspected that the Foo Fighters were some top secret German weapon, but it soon turned out that enemy pilots were seeing the same objects, which also never seemed to attack them or act in a threatening manner. After a full investigation, no official conclusions have been reached. Theories assume that these Foo Fighters were top-secret technology lost after the war, some atmospheric phenomenon, or the result of combat fatigue of pilots seeing strange things. The true nature of these objects remains unknown.

Interestingly, sightings of Foo Fighters also occurred in the Pacific theater of war. In this case, instead of glowing objects performing aerial maneuvers, pilots typically reported "fireballs" hanging in the sky. Once again, theories emerged that they were some kind of Japanese weapon, but as with the Foo Fighters from Europe, these fireballs never attacked either side in the conflict, as reports indicate that both Japanese and American pilots saw them.

It is worth mentioning that we are talking about times when the terms UFO and flying saucer had not yet been coined. Both Foo Fighters and Pacific Fireballs certainly exhaust the definition of these terms. However, this is still not the end of mysterious reports. A very strange account emerged several decades after the Korean War (1950-1953). In January 1987, John Timmerman of the UFO Studies Center J. Allen Hynek (CUFOS) sat down for an interview with former US Army Private Francis P. Wall.

Wall served with the Army's 25th Division, 27th Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Easy Company, and in May 1951 he operated out of Chorwon, in an area known by the military as the Iron Triangle, on a mission to reach a small village in the mountains. The village in question was in an area marked for bombardment with artillery fire. Wall and his men were there to make sure innocent civilians were properly warned of the impending rain of fire. When they arrived, they saw a mysterious vehicle in the shape of a "lighthouse".

Suddenly we noticed to our right what looked like a lighthouse coming down from above. At first, no one thought about it. We noticed that the thing continued down to the village, where artillery fire had already begun. At first it had an orange glow. We noticed that the object was [so] fast that it could get into the middle of an artillery explosion and still remain unscathed. But then he approached us. And it changed color from bright orange to blue-green. Its size is difficult to determine; there is no way to compare it. The light pulsated.

The men were very concerned at this point because the object clearly did not belong to the US, and was not any aircraft they knew of. The soldiers radioed the situation to their superiors, asking for permission to open fire. Permission was granted, and Wall claims he began firing on the facility with his M-1 rifle loaded with armor-piercing bullets. He claims he hit the object several times, hearing the bullets ricocheting against what sounded like metal. The bullets seemed to have some effect on it, which was strange considering the object had previously escaped an artillery shell unscathed.

According to Wall, the ship launched some sort of retaliatory attack on them. The craft allegedly emitted some type of ray or beam that appeared in pulses. As the beam passed over them, the men felt a tingling and burning sensation. Although it didn't seem to cause any visible damage, they could feel it seeping through their skin, and the pain was enough to send them running to a nearby shelter. Over the next few days, the soldiers felt the consequences of this encounter. Confusion, memory loss, headaches, abdominal pain, nausea and extreme weakness were so severe that some of them had difficulty walking.

The doctors could find no reason or cause for these symptoms, and the only evidence that something was wrong was an unusually high white blood cell count. Even though there was officially nothing wrong with them, all the men were physically sick and suffering. Wall and his company were certain that a mysterious beam had caused it. It is difficult to deny that the symptoms they exhibited closely resemble mild radiation sickness.

Everything indicates that similar incidents also occurred during the Vietnam War. One such incident allegedly occurred on June 15, 1968, along the demilitarized zone (DMZ) between North and South Vietnam, where a patrol boat known as PCF-12, commanded by Lt. Pete Snyder, was on a routine night patrol near Cua Viet .

The lieutenant reported that around noon he received a frantic distress call from another patrol boat (PCF-19), whose personnel claimed that they had been attacked by unidentified lights that they called "enemy helicopters". This seemed strange because the North Vietnamese enemy was not known to use attack helicopters at that time. As they approached, one of the strange lights emitted a bright flash, and the PCF-19 exploded before their eyes. Immediately after the explosion, two enigmatic lights accelerated rapidly towards the sea.

PCF-12 was scouting the area for any possible survivors of the massacre they had just witnessed. Two injured men were found and said that two UFOs followed them for several dozen minutes along the river. The deck officer decided to fire at the mysterious objects, and that's when one of them fired a piercing blast of light that destroyed the boat. Interestingly, a later dispatch from Saigon quoted a military spokesman who attributed the loss of PCF-19 to an "unidentified object" rather than enemy coastal batteries or missiles.

Around the same time, another incident occurred in the South China Sea involving a Royal Australian Navy ship, HMAS Hobart. About 20 km from Cap Lay, sightings of 30 unidentified and slowly moving lights were reported floating in the night sky. Initially thought to be Russian M-14 "Hound" helicopters, but upon closer inspection, it was clear that they were something else. Fighters were sent into combat, but the objects easily escaped pursuit and fire.

The lights were sporadically observed for months afterwards along the DMZ, confusing those who saw them. On radar they appeared to be low and slow moving objects, much like helicopters, but often there was no visible confirmation or they did not look like helicopters at all. They also had a tendency to vanish into thin air, and the jets called in to intercept them were too SLOW.

The origin of these strange lights remains a mystery to this day. Existing theories assume that radar signals were somehow misread, causing other friendly ships to appear to be slow-moving flying objects, or that North Vietnam had more helicopters than previously thought.

Another American ship was not directly attacked but nevertheless had a very dangerous encounter with an unidentified submarine (USO). In 1974, the ammunition ship USS Kilauea operated in the Indian Ocean. One night, the crew's attention was drawn to eerie streaks of light created by fluorescent algae, when suddenly, the depths of the sea lit up with something else. A mysterious flaming ball rose spectacularly from the water and arced just above the destroyer before falling back into the ocean on the other side and sinking into the depths of the ocean.

The above incident was not described in the official report and was only leaked by an anonymous officer. This doesn't speak particularly well to the credibility of the whole incident, but here's what he had to say about it:

We all stared at each other with our mouths open. We couldn't believe what we were seeing, but I asked my friends who were on bridge watch if they had seen it and they all confirmed it. But nothing was reported that I know of, and we just stopped talking about it. I bet the destroyer saw it right. It flew right over the bridge of that ship and it was big. It may have been 150 to 200 feet in diameter. This was my big meeting.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to observations of unidentified flying objects. We already know that such incidents continued until the end of the 20th century and did not stop even with the arrival of the new millennium. Publication of the already famous naval recordings entitled GIMBAL, GO FAST and FLIR revealed to the world the true scale of this problem and the complete helplessness of the "world's strongest army" in the face of the unknown. Many of these accounts have probably never been documented, which further distances us from answering the most important question. What were these soldiers and pilots dealing with?

A Tic-Tac-like UFO captured in California - eyewitnesses were shocked by the inexplicable sight

 In the quiet town of Clovis, California, two residents experienced an unusual event that sparked widespread curiosity and speculation. Jason Beard and Espy Morales, residents of the city, recorded unidentified flying objects (UFOs) on video, which became the subject of interest for both the local community and experts.

The first of these surprising observations took place on October 22. Jason Beard observed a fast-moving object in the sky that he described as "spinning around something like a ball." Beard managed to capture this phenomenon in a photo that also included the plane. He noticed a distinct difference between the two objects. After the material was published on the Internet, one UFO specialist described the observed object as an "energy ring" of an allegedly ancient and inhuman nature.

Shortly after Beard's publication, Espy Morales shared her observations on October 19, which included footage of a "bright, round dot" in the sky moving quietly and steadily. Morales speculated that she may have observed the same object as Beard.

Experts including astrophysicist Dr. Emily Thompson and UFO researcher Dr. Michael Collins shared their thoughts on the sightings. Dr. Thompson noted that the behavior and appearance of the observed objects were mysterious and different from known phenomena. Dr. Collins emphasized that the testimony of many people adds credibility to the observation, suggesting that it may be more than a simple illusion.

These observations in Clovis have become a hot topic of discussion, sparking many questions and theories about the nature and origin of these unidentified objects. This story highlights people's ongoing fascination with UFO phenomena and the mysterious events that sometimes occur above our heads.

The otherworldly language of the Piraha Indians - a mystery that modern linguistics cannot solve

 Language, an inseparable element of human culture, is sometimes a window into incomprehensible and mysterious worlds. In the heart of the Amazon, among the Piraha Indians, there is a language that arouses amazement and fascination among scientists from all over the world. This unique language, which has no written form, calls into question many of the assumptions of modern linguistics and opens the door to previously unexplored areas of linguistics.

The Piraha language is spoken by a small group of people living on the Maici River in the Brazilian state of Amazonas. What makes it so special? First of all, its structure and rules, which are completely different from most known languages. Piraha has no numbers or colors, and its grammar is surprisingly simple. There are no future tenses in it either, which suggests a completely different way of perceiving time and reality by its users.

Another fascinating feature of the Piraha language is its tonality. This language uses a variety of tones, which means that nuances of meaning are conveyed not only by the words themselves, but also by their melody. This phenomenon is extremely rare in the world's languages, which makes Piraha an object of interest not only to linguists, but also to musicologists.

Scientists wonder whether the uniqueness of the Piraha language results from the cultural isolation of this community or is the result of adaptation to specific living conditions in the Amazon. This language seems to reflect the unique way in which its speakers experience the world.

Daniel Everett, a linguist who has spent many years studying the Piraha language, says it is radically different from anything we know. In his research, Everett suggests that the Piraha language may challenge Noam Chomsky's theory of universal grammar, which assumes that all languages share a common structure.

The mystery of the Piraha language remains unsolved, and its study opens many questions about the nature of language and the human mind. Is it possible that there are languages that are completely different from anything we know? The Piraha language seems to say "yes", opening new horizons in the search for understanding human language and thinking.

Ġgantija - a prehistoric temple from Gozo defies understanding

 Gozo, Malta's peaceful sister island, hides in its hills a silent witness to millennia of human history - the Temple of Gigantija. This archaeological wonder, built around 3600 B.C. in the Neolithic era, is a testimony to ancient craftsmanship, spirituality and the secrets of a bygone civilization.

The Gigantija Temple is a testament to ancient craftsmanship, consisting of two temples, Gigantija I and Gigantija II, built of massive limestone blocks, some of which are over five meters high and weigh several tons. Its architectural sophistication, with its precise settings, reflects the deep understanding of astronomy among seemingly primitive tribes. Despite extensive research, the exact purpose of these temples remains unknown. There are many theories suggesting that it may have served as a religious sanctuary, community meeting place or burial place. Its architectural features, aligned with celestial events, suggest a link between Neolithic beliefs and astronomical observations, but conclusive evidence remains elusive.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, the Gigantija temple experienced numerous damages, looting and natural erosion. Efforts to protect it intensified with the work of Sir Temi Zammit, a pioneering archaeologist who extensively explored and protected prehistoric sites in Malta in the early 20th century. The temple's designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1980 marked a turning point in its history. Since then, joint efforts of local authorities, archaeological teams and conservators have focused on protecting this ancient wonder. Ongoing initiatives use advanced conservation techniques to prevent its further deterioration.

The name "Gigantija" itself comes from the legend of giants who created this temple in prehistoric times. Some stories suggest that these massive stones were moved effortlessly by mystical powers or through the intervention of gods or otherworldly entities. Such myths emphasize the awe and wonder inspired by the impressive temple construction techniques of ancient times. Local legends often attribute healing properties and spiritual power to it. In addition to massive stone blocks, the temple boasts unique artifacts such as carved decorations, animal figures and numerous symbolic motifs. They have intrigued researchers and generated various interpretations regarding their possible meanings for ancient builders.

These relics also interested many scholars during the Renaissance, especially in the 16th and 17th centuries. This period marked the beginning of a renewed fascination with ancient ruins, prompting artists and scientists to document and reconstruct structures such as Gigantija through drawings and illustrations. Renaissance drawings and reconstructions, although somewhat speculative, contributed to the understanding and reconstruction of Gigantji's ancient architecture. What remains today is merely an echo of the temple's former sanctity. Its huge walls several meters high. have been demolished, stolen or have become weathered over the years.

Despite many years of scientific research on the megaliths of Malta, many aspects of their history still remain unclear. One of the main mysteries is the cause of the collapse of the megalithic temples of Malta. There are several hypotheses such as climate change, civil wars, influence of foreign cultures or depletion of natural resources. However, none of these theories have been definitively confirmed by scientists.

Another mystery related to the megaliths of Malta is their origin. Some scholars suggest they were built by local people, while others believe they were the work of immigrants from other regions. However, both of them would face the problem of obtaining building materials. The nearest quarries, from which materials for the construction of these temples could be obtained, are located a few kilometers from today's complex. This may not sound strange unless you know that the island of Gozo is extremely mountainous, and according to researchers, the method adopted by the then creators of the complex involved moving several and sometimes even several dozen tonne blocks of rock over small stones. Is it possible? Of course. Does this sound absurd? Answer this question for yourself.

This megalithic miracle of architecture, for understandable reasons, makes us reflect on the secrets of the past, the beliefs and rituals of its creators and, perhaps most importantly, their identity. How did the ancient Maltese manage to transport and stack such massive stone blocks without the use of modern construction technologies? Indeed, without the use of the wheel, which was not discovered yet 5,000 years ago. The megalithic temples of Malta are still among the most mysterious archaeological structures in the world. Even though scientists have been studying these structures for many years, many aspects of their history still remain unexplained. Thanks to the hard work of archaeologists, there is a chance that we will gradually come closer to discovering who built these fascinating megalithic structures and for what purpose.

An extraordinary meeting in 1972 on the island of Lobos

 In 1972, on the island of Lobos, near the coast of Uruguay, an event took place that is still shrouded in mystery and fascinates researchers of paranormal phenomena. Five Navy personnel stationed at the island's lighthouse witnessed an amazing and unusual situation.

Juan Fuentes, one of the sailors, noticed strange lights on the hill during a routine inspection of the generators. He decided to investigate them himself, without informing the others. As he approached the lights, he saw a ship shaped like an inverted bowl, with a colorful dome and a rectangular door from which mysterious figures emerged.

Fuentes, trying to defend himself, pulled out a gun, but then he experienced paralysis and heard an inner voice telling him not to shoot. The creatures returned to the ship, which quickly rose into the air, emitting a blinding fireball, and then disappeared in silence.

His story was met with disbelief by the rest of the crew, except for Officer Cascudo. Despite the lack of confirmation from other witnesses or official sources, this story continues to generate interest.

This event is particularly important in the context of interest in UFOs in Uruguay. The country was a pioneer in South America in UFO research, creating an official UFO agency in 1979. Other countries in the region, such as Chile, Peru, Ecuador and Argentina, have also begun to investigate these unusual cases.

A sailor's encounter with a mysterious spacecraft in 1972 on Lobos Island remains one of the most intriguing and little-studied incidents in the history of UFO research. Despite the passage of time, this story still arouses fascination and makes us wonder about the unexplained mysteries of our world.

An extraordinary statement by the director of the U.S. government's Office of UFO Analysis

 This week, the director of the U.S. government's Office of UFO Analysis stated that there is "evidence" of disturbing activity of unidentified flying objects "in our backyard." Physicist Seán Kirkpatrick, who heads the Office of Anomaly Resolution in All Domains, says this disturbing UFO phenomenon can be traced to one of two extraordinary sources: either alien civilizations or other countries.

Undoubtedly, the consequences of both of these explanations would be significant. However, Kirpatrick's comments, made during his impending retirement from a 27-year career in defense and intelligence activities, become more intriguing given his statement that "none" of hundreds of military UFO reports analyzed recently "have been clearly attributed to foreign activity."

At the same time, Kirkpatrick and senior defense officials ruled out the possibility that secret U.S. programs or experimental aircraft explain the phenomena. While suspected UFO cases will "continue to be investigated" for alien connections, the facts currently available seem to support a more surprising explanation for UFO activity in America's backyard: "aliens."

Beyond this extraordinary development, the mere suggestion by a top government official that "aliens" might explain some UFO phenomena is the latest example of a striking change in tone regarding the UFO phenomenon.

For more than half a century, the government's official approach to what is officially called "unidentified anomalous phenomena" or UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) has been one of mendacity, disinformation and ridicule. However, in recent years, former presidents, senior defense and intelligence officials, and members of Congress have openly speculated about extraordinary explanations for the most obscure UFO cases.

Kirpatrick's comment about "aliens" fits into a larger pattern. Earlier this year, Kirpatrick gained attention when he co-authored a research paper with Harvard astrophysicist Avi Loeb hypothesizing that the "mother of spaceships" from space could launch "lots of little probes" to study Earth-like planets.

Given that the most famous modern UFO encounters have occurred over the ocean, Kirpatrick and Loeb's suggestion that such "space technology probes" are "undoubtedly looking for water" for refueling is noteworthy. Moreover, Kirpatrick said in a recent presentation that U.S. government sensors and soldiers are observing "metal balls" that are "performing very interesting apparent maneuvers" "all over the world."

Speaking to the Daily Mail, an intelligence source said there are "several" unpublished videos captured by surveillance drones, some of which show "balls" performing "unusual maneuvers" such as suddenly "evaporating from the screen."

Moreover, the multiple sensors apparently observed "metal spheres" and "transparent" spherical objects traveling at speeds ranging from "stationary" to Mach 2, or twice the speed of sound, with no "detectable" thermal leakage. According to Kirpatrick, the enigmatic flight characteristics of these objects constitute the unique UFO profile that his team is "looking for."

Did these apparently very advanced "metal spheres" inspire the director of the government's UFO Analysis Bureau to theorize that "space probes" could explore Earth?

"Metal balls" matching Kirpatrick's description have mystified American military crews for 80 years. During World War II, American airmen reported encounters with "numerous silver bullets." The New York Times, the Associated Press, Reuters, Stars and Stripes and the now-defunct International News Service published articles in late 1944 describing encounters between American air crews and "mysterious silver balls floating in the air."

According to these accounts, the "silver-colored orbs" "hung in the air singly or in groups" and, interestingly, "became translucent" over time, prompting comparisons to Kirpatrick's contemporary UFO profile.

Encounters of American pilots with mysterious "metal balls" continued after World War II. Intelligence assessments from the 1940s and 1950s describe "silver bullets" and "spherical" objects with a "bright metallic luster" as among the most frequently sighted UFOs, along with larger "metal" disks.

Captain Edward Ruppelt, first director of the USAF's twenty-year UFO analysis project, Project Blue Book, describes several significant military encounters with metallic spheres in the years just before the U.S. government adopted a policy of "debunking" all UFO sightings and discrediting witnesses, without due to their credibility.

Recently, former U.S. Navy fighter pilot Ryan Graves described how he and at least 50-60 of his colleagues often observed unusual objects on their sensors during flights over the East Coast. At first, these objects were elusive. However, when airmen eventually observed them visually, including during perilous approaches to mid-air collisions, the objects appeared to be transparent and spherical, matching descriptions of "clear sphere" encounters during World War II.

Over the past few years, videos and photos of three "metal balls" and a "translucent" ball have emerged, all captured by US soldiers. In an apparent reference to the U.S. military's long history of encounters with mysterious "metal balls," the logo of the government's Office of UFO Analysis prominently depicts a silver ball.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer recently introduced unusual UFO-related legislation. Among sweeping provisions aimed at increasing government transparency regarding UFOs, the legislation deals with astonishing reports by numerous senior current and former officials that secret UFO mining and reverse engineering programs exist.

If passed in its current form, Schumer's bill would add into federal law definitions of terms such as "non-human intelligence," "[UFO] mining and reverse engineering program," and "technology of unknown origin." Moreover, it will require private contractors who currently possess recovered UFOs or "biological evidence of non-human intelligence" to turn over all such items to the U.S. government "in the interest of the public good."

Paranormal "Hotspots". What are these supernatural power points?

 Paranormal hotspots are intriguing places scattered around the world, known for increased supernatural activity and a history of mysterious occurrences. These areas have attracted the attention of researchers, scientists and curious onlookers due to their propensity for inexplicable events that defy conventional explanations.

These unusual places are often characterized by various phenomena, including sightings of ghosts, UFOs, strange lights and unusual cryptids. These phenomena are often located in specific geographic regions, such as ancient ruins, historic landmarks, abandoned homes, or remote areas with unique environmental features.

Some theories suggest that these puzzling points may be connected by ley lines, alleged pockets of powerful energy that intersect at these locations. Concepts related to quantum physics suggest that these places may connect to parallel dimensions or alternative realities. Some believe that these places retain remnants of energy from past events. This is supposed to lead to so-called time slips, in which people temporarily experience events from a different period of history.

Certain geological formations or mineral deposits in the Earth's crust may emit energy fields that affect the environment and human perception, contributing to reported phenomena. Therefore, it should not be ruled out that these types of "Hotspots" are in fact something very ordinary. However, this does not change the fact that many people believe in the paranormal nature of these places. One of the most famous locations of this type is the so-called Skinwalker Ranch, which has gained notoriety thanks to many sightings of UFOs, cryptids and poltergeist activity. Witnesses reported strange creatures and unexplainable lights, attracting widespread attention from paranormal investigators.

There is just as much talk about the area in the western part of the North Atlantic known as the Bermuda Triangle. It is also known for numerous unexplained disappearances of ships and planes. Theories range from magnetic anomalies to extraterrestrial interference. There are, of course, other less popular sites of similar 'fame.' These often attract paranormal investigators who use tools such as electromagnetic field detectors, infrared cameras and sound recorders to capture evidence of unexplained activity.

Paranormal investigators often use structured methodologies similar to scientific research. They establish data collection protocols, using systematic approaches to document and analyze observed phenomena. Teams can conduct environmental monitoring to measure changes in temperature, humidity and barometric pressure in an attempt to correlate environmental fluctuations with reported paranormal experiences. One of the main challenges in this field is the difficulty in obtaining consistent and repeatable evidence.

The belief in these hidden points of power has historical and cultural roots in various ancient traditions and mystical practices. Many indigenous cultures revered specific places as sacred and spiritually powerful, emphasizing their connection to the Earth and the cosmos. Despite skepticism, these sites continue to attract spiritual seekers and tourists interested in experiencing their supposed energies. Whether they are rooted in ancient traditions, folklore or spirituality.

A sudden increase in activity of the Etna volcano was observed

 On Sunday, November 12, 2023, Mount Etna, the most active volcano in Europe, began a new, intense stage of eruption. As a result of the volcanic eruption from the southeast crater (SEC), intense lava fountains were recorded and pyroclastic material, such as lapilli and volcanic bombs, was recorded to a height of several hundred meters above the outlet​​.

This phenomenon coincided with a significant increase in volcanic tremors, which peaked at 9:00 UTC. The location of these seismic events was directly beneath the southeast crater, at an altitude of approximately 2,900 meters above sea level. The eruption caused serious consequences for the region. The volcano spewed ash onto the city of Catania, the largest city in eastern Sicily, forcing the suspension of flights at the local airport.

The INGV observatory, which monitors the volcano, noted that cloud cover and a rainy day made it difficult to observe the eruption. Falling ash reached Catania and at least one town on the inhabited slopes of Etna. No injuries were reported. Etna's increased volcanic activity has been observed since early October, especially in the southeastern crater, according to data from INGV.

In recent days, volcanic explosions have been recorded occurring every second before an eruption. This eruption sent a cloud of ash over the cities of Milo and Zafferana Etnea. The eruption of Mount Etna is an important event that attracts the attention of both scientists and residents of the region. This is another example of dynamic volcanic activity that has shaped the landscape and environment of Sicily for centuries. Studying and monitoring such eruptions is essential to understand and predict future volcanic events and their impact on local communities and ecosystems.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

The moon and sleepwalking - a mystery that has not yet been solved

 In the mysterious intricacies of the human mind, where science meets parapsychology, somnambulism, dreams and lunar phases continue to fascinate researchers and mystics. The ancients credited the moon with the power to influence human behavior, and modern research is trying to uncover the truth behind these nocturnal phenomena.

Somnambulism, commonly known as sleepwalking, is a condition in which a person engages in a variety of activities while asleep without being aware of them. From walking around the house to conversing with invisible companions, sleepwalkers seem to transport themselves to a parallel world where semi-consciousness rules. This phenomenon usually occurs during the deep sleep phase and can last from a few minutes to over an hour.

Attacks of somnambulism seem to be triggered during the sleep phase of low brain activity, when the senses function normally but do not detect threats. This allows sleepwalkers to engage in risky activities without feeling threatened, which sometimes leads to unexpected and even dangerous situations. It happens that sleepwalkers answer questions during the episode, but after it ends they do not remember anything of what happened.

Moon phases, especially the full moon, have long been associated with sleep disruption and unusual behavior. Reports of insomnia and restless sleep increase during full moons, but scientists are still debating the real impact of lunar cycles on human sleep. There is no conclusive evidence linking lunar phases to sleep quality, leaving room for speculation and further research.

It is hypothesized that sleepwalkers physically experience their dreams, acting in the real world, while their mind remains immersed in the dream world. If this is the case, then somnambulism may constitute a bridge between the subconscious and the waking world, which opens the field for further exploration at the border of science and parapsychology.

The mystery of sleepwalking continues, and the mystery of the Moon's influence on our sleep is still undiscovered. Although we don't have definitive answers yet, this nocturnal enigma remains one of the most intriguing phenomena of the human psyche. Does the Moon have more than just gravity? Do the whispers of unseen forces guide the sleepwalkers in their nightly wanderings? These are questions that are still waiting to be solved.

The invisible world is filled with objects that move faster than our eyes can see

 In the hidden corners of world mythology and modern conspiracy theories, there exists a phenomenon so mysterious that it still arouses emotions among both supporters of supernatural theories and skeptics. We are talking about mysterious rods objects that have been provoking lively discussions and disputes about their origin and nature for years.

Rods, sometimes called "flying rods," are elongated objects captured in films and photographs that appear to move at speeds beyond the capabilities of known species of insects or birds. Their presence has been recorded in many places around the world, and their unusual form and surprising maneuvers in the air make them an object of fascination and controversy.

The rods phenomenon was first noticed in the 1990s by UFO enthusiasts and cryptozoologists. One of the most famous cases is a recording made in New Mexico, where the film showed rapidly flying objects with unusual, even impossible to explain, flight dynamics. Since then, rods have begun to appear in more and more new places, each time causing a wave of speculation and theories.

Independent researchers and enthusiasts of the supernatural tried to unravel the mystery of rods, citing arguments both for their extraterrestrial origin and attributing to them the status of previously undiscovered species of fauna. Some go even further, suggesting that they may be creatures living in parallel dimensions that only sometimes break through to our reality, accidentally being captured by human cameras.

However, with the development of technology and a better understanding of the working mechanisms of modern cameras and camcorders, scientists argue that the rods phenomenon has a more prosaic explanation. The analyzes carried out showed that many of these mysterious objects are in fact insects or small birds, which, due to the speed of movement and hardware limitations of the recording equipment, are presented in a distorted way. Long exposures and image artifacts typical of digital sensors can turn even an ordinary butterfly or bow tie into an elusive rod in the photo.

Nevertheless, for many paranormal enthusiasts, rods still remain an unexplained phenomenon. There are numerous groups and discussion forums on the Internet where enthusiasts share their theories and evidence for the existence of rods. Each new recording or photo in which mysterious objects can be seen ignites the imagination and gives rise to new hypotheses.

Meanwhile, mainstream science believes that the rods phenomenon does not require going beyond the known laws of physics or biology. Many researchers believe this is a perfect example of how the human brain is programmed to see familiar patterns even where they don't exist - a process known as pareidolia.

So are rods just an optical illusion, a camera error, or do they actually constitute evidence of the existence of something that goes beyond our current understanding of reality? The answer to this question remains open, and the mystery of rods continues to fascinate and inspire those who want to look for answers where the boundaries between the known and unknown world are most blurred.

Why do scientists hide the existence of tunnels and chambers inside the Sphinx?

 When we think of the Sphinx, our minds often paint an image of its majestic image towering proudly over the Giza Plateau. What most of us don't know, however, is that behind this monumental figure lie secret tunnels and chambers that bear witness to ancient mysteries. Although Egyptologists have kept this knowledge secret for a long time, there is compelling evidence of the existence of these mysterious passages.

The history of the Sphinx tunnels is as old as the statue itself. Knowledge about them is scattered and hidden, but six passages leading to its interior have been documented. One of them begins on the Sphinx's back, the other is located at ground level, on the north side, close to its thigh. The third passage, which was discovered in a 1926 photograph, is on the north side, near the center of the statue, and was blocked off with brick during restoration work. The fourth passage is located under the Sphinx's ear, the fifth at the top of its head, and the sixth between its paws.

Zahi Hawass, one of the most famous Egyptologists, admitted that he personally descended into the tunnel on the back of the Sphinx. In the interview, he talked about a vertical passage, carved by humans, which leads to a stone chamber, behind which there is a passage closed with cement. Hawass himself speculated that the passage may have been accidentally cemented during conservation work.

However, there are many indications that Hawass may not have been telling the whole truth. There are theories that he discovered another chamber with an ancient sarcophagus surrounded by water. Now, however, he denies his previous statements. Photographs also confirm Hawass's entrance to a side corridor, which he said was artificially created, with foot grooves to facilitate descent down the sloping shaft.

Surprisingly, this respected curator of antiquities now claims that the interior of the Sphinx does not contain any passages and that these are only natural cracks. This official position raises many questions and suspicions.

Is there a reason why scientists obscure the existence of tunnels and chambers in the Sphinx? A possible answer to this question was provided by the prophecies of Edgar Cayce, known as the "sleeping prophet", who wrote about a mysterious hall hidden between the paws of the Sphinx. This room was supposed to contain knowledge about the history of Atlantis.

Cayce claimed that the Atlantis Chronicles, describing the destruction of the continent and the fate of the Atlanteans, were hidden deep within the Sphinx and would be discovered in the future.

So it would seem that through the tunnels and chambers of the Sphinx we could combine the preservation of ancient knowledge and secrets that could radically change our understanding of human history. If these spaces really exist, what could they be hiding? What artifacts or records could shed new light on our past? Time and further research may reveal the truth that lies hidden in stone, patiently waiting for us to discover it.

Controversy surrounding the Pentagon's UFO director

 According to information obtained by, the director of the Pentagon's UFO investigation office, Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick is to resign from his position by the end of the year. The decision comes on the heels of a wave of complaints accusing him of making false statements about UFO informants and creating an "atmosphere of disinterest."

Four leading candidates have already been interviewed to succeed him after months of public wrangling between Kirkpatrick and UFO informants and activists. One person previously involved in the Pentagon's UFO research programs revealed to that a decision on Kirkpatrick's successor has already been made.

Some UFO associates and defense and intelligence officers allegedly "never trusted Sean," as emphasized by a lawyer assisting them. Dr. Kirkpatrick has faced fierce public criticism in recent weeks from UFO enthusiasts and supporters of the so-called "disclosures" who demand government transparency on the UFO and alien issue.

Citizens' petition calling for the "immediate removal" of Dr. Kirkpatrick, published on, has gathered 1,739 signatures since it was published on October 22, 2023. The petition's author, Lisa Fine, accused Kirkpatrick of running a "secret committee that directs the All Areas Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) activities and public statements."

Dr. Kirkpatrick is accused of lying about the lack of evidence of UFOs/UAPs, referring to the updated terminology of "unidentified flying objects". Kirkpatrick, during a conference call with reporters in which he answered questions about David Grusch and his allegations about a secret UFO recovery and reverse engineering program, said he had interviewed "a whole host of people, over 30" in connection with the alleged clandestine and illegal activity.

However, Grusch was quick to accuse Kirkpatrick of inventing these actions through his AARO team. Similarly, retired U.S. Air Force Captain David Schindele, who reported his UFO encounter to AARO, said he felt an "atmosphere of disinterest" from staff. The former intelligence official said the controversy should not be directly linked to Kirkpatrick's plans to leave.

According to dailymail's source, Dr. Kirkpatrick told third parties he would leave by the end of the year and his decision was planned, likely giving a timeline for when he took over. This source suggests that the split is due to the geographical strain on Kirkpatrick's family life.

Ancient Australian UFO legends

 Australia, this distant and mysterious land in the southern hemisphere, hides more secrets than it might seem at first glance. The ancient Aboriginal peoples who have inhabited these areas for millennia have given us fascinating stories that seem to penetrate the paranormal world. One of the most extraordinary and unfathomable mysteries are the accounts of unidentified flying objects - UFOs, the traces of which can be found both in ancient myths and in the stories of modern witnesses.

According to Aborigines, creatures from another world have visited their land since time immemorial. One of these "gods", known as "Jamar", would come from the heavens, announcing his arrival with thunderbolts that left undeniable traces on the ground and among the plants. The rocks and caves of Australia are full of mysterious drawings depicting creatures with unusual proportions, long necks and large eyes, which seem to confirm these ancient legends.

When Europeans arrived on the Australian continent, new stories began to emerge. Witnesses spoke of ghost lights called Ming-Ming, particularly common in western Queensland. These glowing balls were supposed to be evidence of the presence of unusual phenomena that have accompanied the inhabitants of this continent for centuries.

Even European settlers and travelers experienced UFO encounters. In 1868, a Birmingham surveyor described his unusual experience with an "ark-like" flying craft. A New South Wales farmer in 1862 reported an encounter with a disk-shaped object and a mysterious, strangely dressed man that left him paralyzed for the rest of his life.

Even Australian pilots did not avoid these phenomena. In 1931, Francis Chichester collided with a gray-white pearl-like object while flying. In 1945, just after the end of World War II, a mass appearance of UFOs in various shapes and sizes was reported in Queensland.

The most astonishing cases occurred in the 1960s. On May 23, 1965, a luminous object landed in front of Mr. Jim Teasle's hotel, leaving traces on the grass and in the treetops. In January 1966, Mrs. M. Hyde of Juramo witnessed the appearance of a huge object in the sky accompanied by mysterious flying balls.

Despite many reports and testimonies, the UFO mystery in Australia remains unsolved. A group of enthusiasts and researchers of paranormal phenomena - ufologists, although small, are constantly trying to discover the truth behind these phenomena. Unfortunately, much of the scientific community remains skeptical, demanding more convincing evidence of the existence of these mysterious phenomena.

Australia, a country with a rich history and culture, hides mysteries that are still waiting to be explained. Are Aboriginal stories, eyewitness accounts and documentation of UFO encounters merely folklore, or perhaps evidence of the existence of something much greater that goes beyond our current idea of reality? This mystery remains open, and Australia continues to fascinate and intrigue seekers of the unknown.

Mysteries of Nibiru - the extraordinary story of the Anunnaki according to the Sumerians

 The Sumerians, one of the oldest civilizations, left behind many mysteries and secrets. One of the most intriguing is the mention of the eleventh planet of the solar system, which they named Nibiru. According to Sumerian records, this planet had a very wide elliptical orbit with an orbital period of 3,600 years, moving in the opposite direction to the other planets and traversing the entire solar system.

The Sumerians believed that an extraterrestrial civilization known as the Anunnaki existed on Nibiru. They described these creatures as tall, reaching up to four meters in height, and having a very long lifespan. According to the Sumerians, the Anunnaki descended from heaven and established their base on Earth. But what brought the Anunnaki to Earth? Scientists suggest that they sensed an approaching climate cataclysm that threatened a terrible cooling. When Nibiru approached Earth, the Anunnaki arrived in their spaceships and established a base in Sumer, where they built an astroport called Eridu.

Interestingly, the Anunnaki initially found no gold on Earth and had to look for it everywhere. They finally discovered it in a valley in southeast Africa, near the island of Madagascar. The Anunnaki workers began to develop mines and extract gold under the leadership of Enlil, Enki's younger brother. However, the workers soon rebelled, and the Anunnaki scientists decided to use genetic engineering to create their own servants. So, about 300,000 years ago, a man appeared whose destiny was to serve alien beings. Sumerian texts say that the Anunnaki made people respect them through their extraordinary abilities, such as "an eye placed very high that sees everything that happens on Earth" and "a fiery ray that penetrates all matter."

According to Sumerian records, Enlil was ordered to destroy the human race in order to keep the genetic experiment secret and not interfere with the natural development of the planet. But Enki, Enlil's brother, saved several people and declared that man deserved the right to live. This angered Enlil, who demanded that a council of the wisest be convened to decide the fate of the people. As a result, the Council decided to allow humans to continue living on Earth. Thus, according to Sumerian texts, humanity was given a chance to exist.

The history of the Sumerians and Nibiru remains a mystery, and many researchers are still looking for evidence of the existence of this lost planet and extraterrestrial civilization.

Discoveries made in dreams. Where does inspiration from the world of dreams come from?

 Sleep, this enigmatic state of consciousness, has long fascinated humanity not only as a source of rest, but also as an inspiration for extraordinary discoveries and inventions. As if from another dimension, ideas and solutions come to us dormant, bringing breakthrough ideas that change the course of history.

Take, for example, Mesrop Mashtots, the famous Armenian scientist and monk whose dream with an angel led to the creation of the Armenian alphabet. This dream, as if a message from the afterlife, ushered in a new era in Armenian culture and literature.

Revolutionary ideas also came to Rene Descartes, the French philosopher and mathematician, in dreams full of symbolic visions. The spirit showing him an open book inspired him to create a new philosophical system and develop analytical geometry, as if giving him the keys to understanding the universe.

Friedrich Kekule, a German chemist, experienced a similar phenomenon. His dream of a snake biting its own tail led to the discovery of the structure of the benzene molecule, which revolutionized organic chemistry. This image, as if taken from the deep recesses of his subconscious, became a turning point in his scientific career.

Otto Lewy, a Nobel Prize winner, had a similar experience when a dream about the nervous transmission of heart impulses influenced his research on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. This discovery, born in dreams, opened new paths in medicine.

Sleep was also crucial for Niels Bohr, the Danish physicist and Nobel Prize winner who dreamed of building the atom. His vision, reminiscent of the solar system, helped him develop a model of the atom and formulate quantum theory, as if the cosmos itself had given him the concept.

Frederick Banting, a Canadian scientist, also found his way to his breakthrough discovery in the world of dreams. A dream about an experiment being performed in real life led him to discover insulin, giving hope to millions of diabetics.

Srinivasa Ramanujan, the great Indian mathematician, attributed his mathematical discoveries to the Hindu goddess Namagiri, who revealed equations to him in his dreams. His genius, as if guided by a divine hand, made invaluable contributions to the theory and analysis of numbers.

Oleg Antonov, a Soviet aircraft designer, found inspiration for the tail shape of the giant Antey plane in a dream. His intuition, awakening at night, became the basis for the creation of one of the largest aircraft in the history of aviation.

Elias Howe, the creator of the sewing machine, was inspired by a dream about savages with spears with a loop at the end, and solved the problem of positioning the eye of a needle, which was a breakthrough in sewing.

These stories show that sleep is not only rest, but also a source of creativity and inspiration. Dreams can be a powerful tool in the hands of scientists and inventors, opening the door to new discoveries and possibilities. In a fascinating journey through the maze of human dreams, we discover that dreams can be not only an escape from reality, but also its creative element, a bridge connecting our mind with the unexplored depths of the universe.

Why do UFO sightings continue to occur near nuclear facilities?

 According to head monk Tomonori Izumi, the Enmyoin Temple in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, is now popularly known by another name: "Temple of Miracles". "I don't know if it was some god or a powerful being on the UFO, but I believe that some invisible force really came to save us," Izumi said.

On March 11, 2011, one of the worst nuclear disasters in history occurred at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant, caused by an earthquake and then a tsunami. The simultaneous disaster destroyed much of the area, but "miraculously the temple remained intact."

“The UFO appeared after the explosion. There were plenty of them. I was shocked," said the monk in the fourth episode of the VICE Meetings series on Netflix: "Lights over Fukushima".

“Radioactive energy was leaking everywhere. I believe the UFO came to redirect the flow of radioactive energy and save us. At least that's my theory," Izumi says.

As after the accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant, UFOs have been repeatedly recorded in places where people have generated nuclear activity. "There have been 'very clear links' between UFO sightings and nuclear facilities for decades," said study author Dr. Jensin Andresen.

"My personal opinion, based on over 30 years of extensive research, is that there is an advanced extraterrestrial presence on Earth and in the oceans," she said.

Andresen, citing declassified government reports from agencies such as the FBI and CIA regarding UFO sightings near nuclear facilities, said she examined 39 different pieces of evidence dating back to the 1940s and 1990s.

“It goes back to the 1930s when there was scientific research to understand the fission process. However, in the 1940s, especially immediately after the explosion of two atomic bombs in Japan in 1945, there was a real explosion of activity. Then everything became decisive, final. We see that one thing after another is happening in the immediate vicinity of places associated with nuclear weapons," says Andresen.

According to her, there are numerous cases in which phenomena were observed near Kirtland Air Force Base, Sandia National Laboratory and other places "where nuclear weapons were stored."

Another famous incident occurred at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana in March 1967. Robert Salas, who was then working as a missile launch officer managing ten nuclear-armed missiles, stated that one day, after receiving reports of strange UFO sightings from others officers, his rockets were disabled and became "uncontrollable". He later learned that ten rockets at another nearby site had also been stopped "in similar, very similar circumstances where a UFO was seen over the launch pads." Salas recently said he reported the incident to the Pentagon's Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), which is tasked with identifying credible UFO sightings.

According to Andresen, one of the most striking examples of such activity in the field of nuclear facilities was the disaster at the Chornobyl nuclear power plant in the USSR in 1986.

"Many cases of UFO activity were also recorded there. At the peak of the Chornobyl fire, the readings were 3,000 milliroentgens, which is a unit of measurement of ionizing radiation. And at the very height of the fire, many observed a UFO arrived, stayed for 3 minutes, immediately caught fire on the fourth block and flew away " - he reports. "They took another reading and it apparently dropped to 800. In just a few minutes. It looks like a very conscious attempt to eliminate the danger caused by the failure."

Like the head monk of the Temple of Miracle, Andresen also believes that these extraterrestrials are trying to help us avoid self-destruction in a nuclear holocaust.

How noise DESTROYS your life and you don't know it

 We live in times where silence has become a luxury. It is not without reason that we have legal restrictions on, for example, night curfew. What if I told you that noise is the second biggest environmental threat in public life? It is only outpaced by air pollution. So let's take a look at how noise is destroying the world and people, and finally find out what you can do to reduce its negative impact.

First of all, it is worth realizing how big a threat we are dealing with. In 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) published a report entitled "The burden of disease from environmental noise". As we can read, "this study compiles data from various large-scale epidemiological studies on environmental noise in Western Europe, collected over a 10-year period."

However, the destructive power of noise does not only affect people. It turns out that it also has a negative impact on the natural environment, for example on marine animals. “Noise related to human activity impairs cooperation and communication in dolphins” – we read in the article “Dolphins shout above each other to cut through the noise produced by humans.” According to experts, noise generated by human activities, such as mining and shipping, has a potentially harmful impact on the health of the population of these marine creatures.

Environmental noise includes things such as the sound of airplanes, cars and other means of transport, city renovations, and all other city noises. This may also include other sources of noise, such as clubs, bars or, in some cases, animals. Researchers looked at whether there was a correlation between these noise-causing factors and the decline in quality of life and health, which manifested itself in cardiovascular diseases, sleep disorders, tinnitus, cognitive impairment in children and irritability. As you can guess, noise played a part in the development of these disorders.

  The most destructive sounds for us are those that we are not fully aware of, because we are accustomed to their existence and we do not even try to avoid them. Thus, during the day and even at night, we are constantly accompanied by various types of noises and murmurs that gradually degrade our health.

You must realize that the human ear canal is constantly open - even when you are sleeping. During sleep, our eyes are closed, so visual stimuli reach us to a very limited extent. However, auditory stimuli are constantly processed by the mind. So even when you sleep, your ears are working, capturing and transmitting sounds that are filtered and interpreted by different parts of the brain - sounds such as a dog barking, cars passing by, or trains, all constantly enter our mind.

This is the trap of ubiquitous noise. It destroys slowly, even imperceptibly, because we are so accustomed to its existence. Noise can be compared to polluted air. Pollution cannot be seen with the naked eye, it cannot often be felt, but as a result of long-term exposure to toxic substances, our sense of well-being degrades and our health simply deteriorates.

Of course, huge noise is uncomfortable for humans, just as air containing smoke is uncomfortable. However, there is a lot of noise around you that you are not aware of. Noise that (to paraphrase a perversely popular saying) cannot be heard with the naked ear. Even when you come home from work or school and you have a buzzing in your head or a multitude of different sounds, this is the result of noise overstimulation.

The authors of the previously mentioned study concluded that "there is overwhelming evidence that exposure to environmental noise has an adverse impact on public health," and as a result, they placed road traffic noise in second place among environmental threats to public health.

According to the report "Environmental noise in Europe - 2020", environmental noise causes 48,000 new cases of ischemic heart disease annually and 12,000 premature deaths. Additionally, 22 million people suffer from chronic irritability and 6.5 million people struggle with chronic sleep disorders.

The human ear perceives sounds in a very wide range of intensities: from 0 to 120 decibels, but above the threshold of 120 decibels most people experience pain and hearing damage may also occur. At the same time, lower intensity sounds, especially with longer exposure, may be equally harmful to hearing.

What noise intensity becomes harmful? Let's take a look at the individual levels:

  • Below 35 dB - harmless to health, may be annoying or interfere with work that requires concentration. This is a level typical of the whisper or noise of the forest.
  • 35–70 dB – affects the fatigue of the human nervous system, seriously impeding speech intelligibility, falling asleep and resting. This noise level is assumed by, for example, loud conversations.
  • 70-85 dB - this intensity significantly reduces work efficiency, may be harmful to health and cause hearing damage. This level of noise accompanies, for example, standing in a traffic jam in a medium-sized city.
  • 85–130 dB – causes numerous diseases of the human body, making speech incomprehensible even from a distance of 50 cm. Imagine that this level of noise prevails in the noisiest cities in the world, located mainly in Asia, such as Dhaka, Moradabad or Islamabad.
  • Above 130 dB - causes permanent hearing damage, stimulates vibrations of human internal organs, causing diseases. This noise is heard when an ambulance passes by or an explosion occurs.

You may have never looked in this direction for a reason, but…

If you suffer from chronic stress, have difficulty concentrating, experience a drop in productivity at your job (even your dream job, which you can get thanks to our e-book, available at, there is a high probability that these problems result from, among other things, constant exposure to noise. Other possible symptoms of auditory fatigue include communication difficulties, cognitive impairment, even cardiovascular disease and, of course, sleep disorders.

A study conducted by Dr. Orfeu Buxton, a sleep expert at Harvard University, monitored the brain activity of healthy volunteers who were played 10-second audio clips containing different types of noise while they slept. As we can read in the article Health effects of environmental noise pollution, on the website of the Australian Academy of Science:

"The study found that jagged, wake-like patterns of neural activity appeared in the volunteers' brain waves as each clip played. This particular study focused on sounds heard in a hospital environment - including conversations, phones ringing, doors closing, machines, flushing toilets and city traffic - but we also heard many of the tested sounds in urban environments. "

Therefore, even if some sounds do not wake you up completely, they reduce the quality of sleep. Sleep is a regeneration mechanism for the brain and body. If the regeneration process is disturbed, our body and mind do not regenerate. You age faster, you are constantly tired and chronically stressed. And all this may result from living on a too busy street or airport. Scientists have found that people exposed to high levels of aircraft noise are up to five times more likely to require hospital treatment or die from stroke and cardiovascular diseases.

We'll talk about the other devastating effects later in the episode, but for now I'd like you to conduct a little experiment. Think about it, when was the last time you had the opportunity to stay and rest in silence? It's about the truly deafening silence that you can experience in the middle of nowhere or in the mountains. Unless you live in a place with easy access to wildlife, it's probably been a long time since you've experienced one of the most luxurious products of the 21st century - silence.

  I encourage you to indulge in this niche pleasure from time to time and give your ears a rest, especially if you live in a busy city. Several things will happen as a result of this silent meditation, and you will probably be fascinated by their effects.

You will feel your body relax and your blood pressure stabilize. You will also feel a kind of relief that comes from inner peace emerging. You will also feel a state that you may not have experienced for a long time, i.e. a reduction in stress levels. By regularly taking such baths in silence without any distractions, you will be able to really improve the quality of your life, even in areas where you do not expect it, such as in the sexual sphere.

However, it turns out that even silence can be overdosed.

Despite the fact that we do not need noise to live and that it can even destroy life, the opposite situation, i.e. the absolute lack of sound stimuli, also has a negative impact on humans. All daredevils who took the opportunity to enter the quietest room in the world experienced this.

The walls of the room not only do not allow sounds from outside to pass through, but also absorb those that are inside. Noise does not exist because its value according to measurements is 20 dB, only negative. Being in such conditions, a person begins to hear his own body more clearly. As the founder of the laboratory states:

“You will hear your heart beating, and sometimes you may hear your lungs or a loud gurgling in your stomach. In the anechoic chamber, you become the sound.”

As a result of such strong deprivation, after some time the human mind begins to generate sounds itself just to have access to stimuli. As a result, auditory hallucinations occur. Therefore, we need sound for normal functioning, but it cannot be too loud.

However, the question arises - why?

The human species has evolved for thousands of years in certain conditions in which sound played a very important information role. When I say “very important,” I really mean something extremely important. Because the sound could herald... death. For thousands of years, when humans lived close to nature, a sudden loud sound was usually a sign of danger. Therefore, the human body has developed certain mechanisms designed to maximize the chance of survival in the face of such a high-profile threat.

The increased level of stress is the result of cortisol and adrenaline, which were released in the body at such moments. In addition, of course, there is the aspect of increased mental activity and general stimulation. The body must be on alert to detect potential threats associated with noisy sounds early enough. Now you know where sleep disorders and concentration problems come from.

If the sound stimulus is loud and almost constantly accompanies a person, it is equivalent to the state of body tension. And the state of tension and excessive stress often also means metabolic disorders and recurrent headaches.

However, from an evolutionary point of view, silence in most cases indicated safety in a given situation. In such circumstances, the body could regenerate in peace, instead of watching for the upcoming threat.

Now that you know all these mechanisms and are aware of the dangers resulting from chronic exposure to noise, you have probably started wondering what to do to avoid it all.

It is obvious that you need to start avoiding noise. Start with the things you can influence the most - from setting a slightly nicer and quieter alarm clock to muting the TV during commercials and reducing the number of notifications on your phone, to dusting your earplugs. Over time, you can replace home electronic devices with ones that operate more quietly.

It is also worth taking a silent bath regularly - that is, going to places where a lot of unpleasant sounds cannot reach. The forest is the perfect place to relax from the hustle and bustle.

Also, and perhaps above all, take care of your sleep hygiene. Don't bombard yourself with a lot of sound stimuli before going to bed. When it comes to reducing noise at night, it is worth buying earplugs. You can also invest in an eye mask - although, as you probably guessed, it does not reduce noise, but it improves the quality of sleep, so your body's regeneration after the whole day will be better.

If you live in a really noisy area, you have no choice - you have to take care of your hygiene and reduce the level of chronic stress in various ways. Remember that noise generates stress, which leads to other disorders. You can reduce your stress level through meditation and mindfulness. You won't reduce the noise around you this way, but you will be able to reduce the amount of cortisol.

The final solution is to move to a peaceful and quiet area, if you can afford it, of course.


1. Silence for the brave, or the quietest room in the world (online), access:, [access date: October 13, 2023] .

2. Dolphins "scream" to break through the noise produced by humans (online), access: manufactured-by-czlowieka-6627623, [access date: 15/10/2023].

3. Health effects of environmental noise pollution (online), access:, [access date: 15/10/2023].

4. Itzkowitz N., Gong X., Atilola G., Aircraft noise and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality near Heathrow Airport: A case-crossover study, “Environment International” 2023, vol. 177; access:

5. What noise level is harmful? (online), access:, [access date: October 13, 2023].

6. Noise pollution is a major problem, both for human health and the environment (online), access:, [access date: 15/10/2023].

7. WHO Report "The burden of disease from environmental noise" (online), access:, [access date: 15/10/2023].

8. Sleep Disruption due to Hospital Noises (online), access:, [access date: 13/10. 2023].

9. The Noisiest Cities In The World (online), access:, [access date: 13/10/2023 ]

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